10 Great Budget Friendly Gifts For Everyone
Guess what? It’s October 7th as I type this my Christmas shopping is done! Now that I’ve wrapped that up, I thought I’d share some great gift ideas for those who have a hard time coming up with something useful to give friends and loved ones at Christmas.
“Useful? Who said a gift had to be useful?” Well it doesn’t, of course, but if I spend money on someone I would rather it be something that will come in handy for them or improve their life in some small way. I’m just not big on buying things that collect dust and I really prefer receiving utilitarian gifts, so that is what I like to give as well.
I realize that as the years go by it becomes harder and harder to come up with ideas, so I thought I would share a few things that I’ve purchased for those on my list this year in hopes that you might find some ideas for folks on your list. Note: I own every single item on this list and purchased it for myself and in many cases, others. These gifts are not gender specific. You’ll find these ideas can work for yourself, your spouse, parents, children, friends, neighbors, and even grandchildren here.
These are budget friendly ideas for the special folks in your life, all of them under $40, with many of them costing less than $20.
To see any items below on Amazon, simply click on the photograph or the title
Swiss Army Knife
Price: Model Shown About $35
Timex Weekender Watch
Price: Models Shown are about $25-$30
Click here for my gold polka dot watch
Click here for my royal blue polka dot watch and a cute pink version is here.
Click here to see the paisley one I bought (It is also available in a larger face, I have the smaller one)
See all the weekender watches available (large and small faces) by clicking here.
Back in my younger days I held many jobs: Checking out groceries at Winn Dixie, making sandwiches at Subway, selling Hardware at Sears, Selling handbags at McRae’s, and even selling jewelry (again, at Sears). When I was working the jewelry counter, the items we sold the most were watches. We also replaced batteries for folks. Out of all the fancy brands avaialable, the one brand I kept seeing sold the most that never needed anything other than a new battery from time to time was Timex. I would have people come in with watches that were older than me to get new batteries, and the watches were still going strong. You just can’t beat a good Timex watch, in my opinion.
An added benefit that a lot of folks don’t think about (especially younger people) is that wearing a watch drastically extends the battery life of your cell phone. Have you noticed how many times a day you check the time on your phone? I started wearing a watch again a few years back and on one trip with my husband my phone (an identical model to his) lasted twice as long as his. He was skeptical when I told him it was due to my wearing a watch, until he got one!
This is a great model of Timex called “The Weekender”. J. Crew sells a similar (almost identical) Timex watch for $96 with the same interchangeable band. You can just buy your watch from Amazon for $20-$40 and purchase bands from either JCrew, Ebay, or Amazon for about $10 each. Click here to see the bands on Amazon.
They’re also indiglo, so you can easily tell time in the dark.
♥Perfect for anyone who needs/likes/wants to know what time it is and has a wrist handy.
Electronic Earmuff Headphones
Price: About $20
Lodge 10″ Pre Seasoned Cast Iron Skillet
Price: About $20
Anker Portable Charger
Price: About $10
Ever find yourself out and about with very little juice left in your phone? This handy little device is one that I keep in my purse at all times. When my phone runs low, I just plug it up and stick it back in my purse or pocket while it charges. Everyone in my family owns one of these and my son puts his in his pocket each morning. Adults and kids alike (grandkids, too!) will love the convenience. We’ve had this particular brand for a few years and they still perform really well. The small one will fully charge a phone so you can go about your business while your battery goes up rather than down. Excellent stocking stuffers.
Black and Decker Spotlight
Price: About $20
I love flashlights, just ask my husband. I am always, always, always on the lookout for my next great flashlight. I’ve even dubbed the one I carry in my purse “my precious baby“. It is a whopping 800 lumens with striker face and one of my prized possessions (seriously, I’m that into flashlights). This spotlight cost a lot less than “precious baby” and runs on AA batteries so they are easy to have handy. I’ve had one of these hanging in my kitchen for a few years now and have only changed out the batteries once. I use this when I take my dogs out at night or if I hear something in the yard and need to check it out. It is powerful enough that I can even shine it through the windows and see well into the corners of my yard. I found it so useful for this purpose that I also purchased one as a gift to my sweet next door neighbors.
I checked out the earmuff headphones on Amazon. The only other item in the “frequently bought together” category was a garlic press. Never realized a garlic press might be so loud! 😉
LOL! Oh that is hilarious!
Great list Christy! How about a part 2? I know you have bought more! We used to draw names with extended family but last year we did “good” dirty Santa with a $50 gift. Any ideas for that? I don’t do really well with generic presents – good for 16 yr old to 60 yr old.
Looks like you had a great beach trip! October is a great month to be there!
I was actually thinking about a part two this morning!!! 😀 😀 I’ll get on it!
Normally I am also finished with my shopping or near completion but not this year. However you just gave me some AMAZING idea’s for my son-in-law’s and even my husband (a.k.a. my Honey). So, no to click on Amazon and shop away. THANK YOU SO MUCH for the wonderful idea’s. Now if you could think of some unique things for a 6 year old grandson that is NOT video games or other electronics that would be great (I have already got him some lego sets- he LOVES legos). Just a curious question. Do you set an amount to spend on a person or go by gifts? This year we are cutting back. Ooh and here’s one to add to the list – I am buying it for my son-in-law – a 6ft. ladder! (then he can give ours back to us 🙂
I do have limits on each person and we really only buy for immediate family. My limits are something like : Nephews and nieces, $20-$25, Parents, $40-$50, etc. I spend more on my husband (but we’ve already splurged and bought something nice for the both of us this year) and the most on my kids, but I have a pretty tight limit on that as well. Like you, we’ve cut back this year also. I think we’ve actually cut back a little each year. This may finally be the year I quit sending Christmas Cards. As much as I enjoy doing it, fewer and fewer people do and there are so many other things I can do with that money to help out folks.
Have you considered sending Christmas Post Cards? They cost a bit less than cards/envelopes and the postage is less.
I hate to see people stop sending cards. For many of my relatives/friends, this is the ONLY time they take the time to actually send a card or letter.
Thanks for the tip Joan!!
Thank you SO much for letting me know about the Laura Ingalls-Wilder book! I’m a huge fan, but didn’t know this book existed. I just added it to my Wish List on Amazon 🙂
Oh you are in for SUCH A TREAT!!!!
I am so excited too!! Have already added this to my Christmas Wish List!!
Where do you get the portable chargers??
Got to get some of those!!
Just click on the title or the photograph and you’ll be taken to the Amazon page with those. They are SO handy!
Quick question about that portable charger, Christy, and hopefully this isn’t a DUMB question, but how do you charge the charger?? Or do you?? I would like to get my son one before he heads to Louisville for the FFA convention, but I’m wondering how it works! 🙂
Thank you!!
Not a dumb question at all!! You MUST charge the charger FIRST for it to work with your items. Plug into any USB port for a few hours (cord adapter was included with mine) like your computer, a wall adapter, or in your car. Hope this helps!
No dumb questions here! They come with a little cable and you just plug that into any usb port such as your computer or the puck that you use to charge your phone with. I don’t have to charge mine often.
Love these ideas! Thanks so much for staying up way past your bedtime to post. Now to go shopping!
🙂 Thanks UmMa!!
These are great ideas! Now, my problem is that I want them all for myself! The watch, the milk frother, the flashlight….all very good gifts. Thanks so much for the ideas!
🙂 We all deserve a treat for ourselves on occasion Shelley!!
Great ideas!! Christmas is arriving quickly so the great ideas are appreciated. Enjoy all your recipes and posts.
The proper way to do gift shopping is … one for you, one for me. one for you, two for me. 🙂