Another $500 Winner From Crystal Light!
Congratulations to Micha for winning the random drawing in the $500 giveaway! Thank you all for participating and thanks to for giving me a means of picking a random winner! Mimi, I’m sending you an email with instructions on how to get your address to me! Thank you, Crystal light!
I’ve had a GREAT week drinking more water! The difference is pretty profound, both in my performance level and in my wallet. I ended up drinking about 80% less carbonated beverages and actually found myself craving Crystal Light over my usual drink.
The one thing I noticed a significant change in this past week was sleep quality. I have pretty frequent bouts of insomnia, mainly because my mind just won’t shut down: so much to plan, so much to do, so many projects I want to tackle. When I lay down in bed, that is often the only time during my day that I have a bit of quiet with my thoughts so they tend to take over.
This past week, however, I slept deeply every single night. It was stunning. I’m not sure if this was due to being properly hydrated for the first time in a decade or more, but since that was the only change I made, you gotta wonder. Also take into the account the amount of caffeine I normally ingest versus drinking only Crystal Light and I feel pretty confident the water made the difference.
I did fall off the wagon a time or two and go back to drinking diet carbonated drinks (As a lifelong Alabamian, I can bring myself to say “carbonated beverages” but just can’t form the word “Soda”!) but when I did, I felt at once sluggish as a result. I know this was a psychological thing and I’m not quite sure at what point I decided to go cold turkey to Crystal Light this past week but it did happen at some point and I’m awfully glad I did.
Coming off of a rabid caffeine/carbonation was not easy. Thank goodness for Crystal Light Energy! I discovered the individual packets of this in Wild Strawberry and used them to flavor my bottled water when out and about or to start my day off. They added a bit of caffeine to help me get over the hump.
Will I give up my carbonated beverages? While I don’t see myself giving them up entirely, I have cut down from eight to ten a day (I know, that is an awful number) to one or two a day and my water intake has increased substantially. I am easily meeting or exceeding the 8-10 glass recommendation.
My skin looks better, my energy level is better, my sleep is better, and my overall performance is definitely at a new high – which I’m gonna need!
Water has made a difference and I’m won over.
Now, how about one of you being a winner? Last week’s $500 Visa Gift Card giveaway had over 540 entries. I used to draw a number and the corresponding comment belongs to: Jackie Medows!
“I just LOVE Crystal Light go packs! They have LOT’S of flavors and I always have several flavors on hand for the little one’s who visit!”
I will email you, Jackie, with instructions on how to get me your mailing address.
Who wants a chance to win ANOTHER $500?
Tell me how your week of drinking more water has gone for a chance ot win another $500 Visa gift card in the comments below!
You can also join in Crystal Light’s Twitter Party this Wednesday, August 19th, from 8:00-10:00 pm EST for more great giveaways from Crystal Light! The twitter party is being hosted by @audreymcclellan of Mom Generations so follow her to participate! If you aren’t following me already, please do! @southernplate.
~It has been my pleasure bringing you this post, sponsored by Crystal Light.~
Congrats to the first winner! Thanks again Christy & Crystal Light for this awesome contest. I have cut myself down to nearly 1 Diet Coke a day and the rest of the time I’m pushing myself to drink more water. I eventually want to get up to half my body weight in ounces of water I drink a day. This has been a great motivation!!
I’ve been drinking Crystal Light for about a week, weighed this morning and i’ve lost 3 lbs. not doing anything else different!!! not only do i feel better, not bloated at all, but the taste is great. i’ve tried several different flavors. keep up the good work, christie!
OK…showing up for confession…I drank some water…but forgot to grab me some crystal light this past week….and beings how I only shop weekly…I had to wait till today to grab me some. I VOW to do better this week…and drink lots more water. Thanks for the boost to work towards a healthier lifestyle. Ü
I have saved money at work this week by drinking water with crystal light vs. soda out of the vending machine.
I have been drinking more water but still not enough,I used to buy the bottled crystal light but they quit selling it in our area. I will have to get me some packets to try different flavors. I really need to give up my carbonated pop, I drink way too much of it, and I have tons of trouble sleeping.
I can tell a big difference in my energy level. Crystal Light adds a great flavor to water. I have a hard time drinking plain water unless it is “ice water” but Crystal Light works great with that problem! Thanks!
I have gone from 2 to 3 diet drinks a day to drinking only water and water with Crystal Light. I feel so much better, and have lost a few lbs. in the process.
My husband is a truck driver and has started taking the crystal light with him to put in his bottled water.