Another $500 Winner From Crystal Light!
Congratulations to Micha for winning the random drawing in the $500 giveaway! Thank you all for participating and thanks to for giving me a means of picking a random winner! Mimi, I’m sending you an email with instructions on how to get your address to me! Thank you, Crystal light!
I’ve had a GREAT week drinking more water! The difference is pretty profound, both in my performance level and in my wallet. I ended up drinking about 80% less carbonated beverages and actually found myself craving Crystal Light over my usual drink.
The one thing I noticed a significant change in this past week was sleep quality. I have pretty frequent bouts of insomnia, mainly because my mind just won’t shut down: so much to plan, so much to do, so many projects I want to tackle. When I lay down in bed, that is often the only time during my day that I have a bit of quiet with my thoughts so they tend to take over.
This past week, however, I slept deeply every single night. It was stunning. I’m not sure if this was due to being properly hydrated for the first time in a decade or more, but since that was the only change I made, you gotta wonder. Also take into the account the amount of caffeine I normally ingest versus drinking only Crystal Light and I feel pretty confident the water made the difference.
I did fall off the wagon a time or two and go back to drinking diet carbonated drinks (As a lifelong Alabamian, I can bring myself to say “carbonated beverages” but just can’t form the word “Soda”!) but when I did, I felt at once sluggish as a result. I know this was a psychological thing and I’m not quite sure at what point I decided to go cold turkey to Crystal Light this past week but it did happen at some point and I’m awfully glad I did.
Coming off of a rabid caffeine/carbonation was not easy. Thank goodness for Crystal Light Energy! I discovered the individual packets of this in Wild Strawberry and used them to flavor my bottled water when out and about or to start my day off. They added a bit of caffeine to help me get over the hump.
Will I give up my carbonated beverages? While I don’t see myself giving them up entirely, I have cut down from eight to ten a day (I know, that is an awful number) to one or two a day and my water intake has increased substantially. I am easily meeting or exceeding the 8-10 glass recommendation.
My skin looks better, my energy level is better, my sleep is better, and my overall performance is definitely at a new high – which I’m gonna need!
Water has made a difference and I’m won over.
Now, how about one of you being a winner? Last week’s $500 Visa Gift Card giveaway had over 540 entries. I used to draw a number and the corresponding comment belongs to: Jackie Medows!
“I just LOVE Crystal Light go packs! They have LOT’S of flavors and I always have several flavors on hand for the little one’s who visit!”
I will email you, Jackie, with instructions on how to get me your mailing address.
Who wants a chance to win ANOTHER $500?
Tell me how your week of drinking more water has gone for a chance ot win another $500 Visa gift card in the comments below!
You can also join in Crystal Light’s Twitter Party this Wednesday, August 19th, from 8:00-10:00 pm EST for more great giveaways from Crystal Light! The twitter party is being hosted by @audreymcclellan of Mom Generations so follow her to participate! If you aren’t following me already, please do! @southernplate.
~It has been my pleasure bringing you this post, sponsored by Crystal Light.~
So, I need to provide an update… Since I have been incorporating water in my diet. I am noticing more weight loss AND my skin complexion is clearer. I am not a person that drinks a lot of water so this is really a true challenge for me. I am so happy I incorporated MORE water in my diet.
I finally have the whole family drinking more water! If I am not reaching for the Coke Zero, I am much more likely to grab water or crystal light. As a result, my girls are drinking a lot more water too.
I feel so much better when I drink more water. I am just in a bad habit of grabbing a coke of some kind. I love water so I’m one that likes it just habit of grabbing the other. when I drink more water I can tell the difference in my complextion and in how I feel in general.
Thanks for all your great recipes !
It does make a huge difference in my skin when I do increase my water intake. I just need to be make sure I keep at it. The colder the better for me!
I’m always feel so much better when I remember to drink water. Unfortunately, I’m really bad at reaching for a coke or tea instead of water when I’m thirsty. I’ve done better lately and I hope to keep the trend going!
Well my water drinking didn’t go as well as I’d hope due to a two year old who loves to play in it. More than once I found a car or some other little toy floating in my glass of water like it was in a arctic temperature pool. Maybe this week will go better.
We drink tons of crystal light lemonade at our house. YUM YUM
Water water water …equals flush the