My new series on! *GIVEAWAY!*

Congratulations to the following (names and part of their email addresses included): Mitchi (mvn), Patricia (choirlady), Angel (dadul), JoAnn (oceanmist). They were chosen at random to win the Southern Living Cookbook giveaway! Thanks to everyone for joining in and watching the preview of my new Quick Fix Suppers Series!

Christy Jordan and Lindsay Bierman, editor of Southern Living. Photography by Robbie Caponetto

I’m excited to announce that I’ll be hosting Southern Living’s new Quick Fix Supper series – a whole cooking series designed to help you spend less time in the kitchen and more time with your family and friends.

Each week on I’ll be bringing you a new cooking video featuring a quick and easy supper idea and some very cool time saving tips to help put some pep back in your kitchen step!

These recipes are simple, delicious, and very budget friendly. I know you’ll love them.

Below is a special sneak peek video. Stay tuned for more details!

This is yet another wonderful gift that has come to me thanks to my Southern Plate Family, so I hope you’ll tune in!


To help kick off our series, Let’s have a giveaway!

FIVE people will win a copy of

Southern Living’s Cookbook- Quick Fixes With mixes!

To enter, just leave a comment below!

I’d love to hear what your favorite go to ingredients are for quick fix suppers!

Enter today because contest ends at midnight on Saturday!

Winners will be notified and announced Monday on this post and on facebook.

Contest is now closed, thanks for entering!

Congratulations to the following (names and part of their email addresses included): Mitchi (mvn), Patricia (choirlady), Angel (dadul), JoAnn (oceanmist). They were chosen at random to win the Southern Living Cookbook giveaway! Thanks to everyone for joining in and watching the preview of my new Quick Fix Suppers Series!

SouthernLiving is also celebrating by giving away five of these cookbooks so be sure and head on over there after you enter here to double your chances! (click here to visit them)

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  1. I am in need of some quick fixes. I’m nearing 70, have severe arthritis, need things I can fix without standing too long. I love the idea of Southern plate & Southern Living blending together.
    God Bless,

  2. My quick fix is either mashed potatoes which all of my family always requests as the best comfort food or spaghetti and a nice side salad with some garlic bread

  3. My quick fix is spaghetti or I will fix a meal in the crock pot the night before and it will be ready at supper time the following day. Its good, quick, and easy. I enjoy your website.

  4. So happy to hear about this. I first read about you in Southern Living. I love both the magazine and you!!

  5. My quick fix supper is taco salad.
    I am so happy with you that you are being given this opportunity to allow more and more people to enjoy you and your cooking ideas.

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