Oatmeal Raisin Cookie Pie – and “They”

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So today something cool happened. Alright, actually several cool things happened but I’m gonna focus on one here because if I took the time to write about every little detail in my life that I felt was cool or neat or served as evidence to enforce my view that the world is mostly a good place full of good people, y’all would just have to clock in each morning by 5:00 AM and hang in there with me til I ran out of wind around midnight And Repeat next day 🙂 

So I checked in on twitter and I saw a wonderful tweet from Charlie Daniels, so I retweeted it. Then I got to working in the kitchen and cranked up some CDB while I was cooking. I tweeted about that, too. Cool thing is, I heard back  “Bet you’re cooking something good” from Charlie Daniels himself!

As a girl I used to listen to his fiddle playing, begging my dad to play Devil Went Down To Georgia over and over again. When I took up classic violin in middle school I had visions of playing like him one day. The fact that I never got much beyond The Old Gray Goose is entirely beside the point… 

I called my mother and said “Guess who just talked to me on twitter? Charlie Daniels!” 

She replied, “Really? Now you know They say he’s just the nicest man.

I held in my chuckle. We do that a lot around here, talk about “They” say this or that.

“They” is a group of people that just about everyone I know has. “They” apparently get together frequently to discuss current events, recipes, people, and raising your kids.

I’ve spent my life hearing:  They say you should (insert should here)… They say this really tastes good…and when it comes to people “They say Charlie Daniels is the nicest man”

So I just wanted to take a minute to thank everyone who happens to be in our group of They”. There are all sorts of “They” groups and I’m so thankful that the “They’s” in our lives are the kind that say nice things about people. :0)

If your group of “They” is like that, They say you should let them know how much they are appreciated! 

And now, On to the Pie!

To make this delicious pie, you’ll need: Raisins, Cinnamon, quick oats, corn syrup, salt, brown sugar, and a wee bit of melted butter and flour.

You’ll also need a pie shell.

The original recipe called for a graham cracker crust but I’m using my traditional mix-in-the-pan pie crust. You can click here if you’d like that recipe.

Place brown sugar, eggs, corn syrup, and melted butter in a bowl. Mix well with a large spoon.

Until it looks like this

Now add in all of your other ingredients and mix again.

So it looks like this.

See how easy that was? Easy as pie, right?

Thus the expression 🙂

Oh! I forgot to show you my bowl.

You’ve probably seen this one before but just in case it is a Pyrex Cinderella Bowl in Amish Butterprint blue.

Ain’t it purty?

Pour batter into uncooked pie shell.
Bake at 325 for 45-50 minutes or until just set in the center.
That means when you move it, the middle doesn’t jiggle.
Remove from the oven and allow to cool completely before serving. I refrigerated mine to get it nice and cold. Wonderful served with whipped cream on top.

Oatmeal Raisin Cookie Pie

To make this delicious pie, you'll need: Raisins, Cinnamon, quick oats, corn syrup, salt, brown sugar, and a wee bit of melted butter and flour.
Prep Time: 15 minutes
Cook Time: 1 hour
Total Time: 1 hour 15 minutes
Course: Dessert
Cuisine: American
Keyword: cookies
Servings: 4
Calories: 435kcal


  • 1-6- oz. graham cracker pie crust*
  • 3 eggs
  • 1 cup light corn syrup
  • 1/2 cup packed brown sugar
  • 3 tablespoons melted butter or margarine
  • 3/4 cup quick-cooking oats
  • 1 tablespoon all-purpose flour
  • 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • 3/4 cup Sun-Maid Natural Raisins


  • Heat oven to 325 F.
  • Beat together eggs, corn syrup, sugar and butter.
  • Add remaining ingredients and mix well. Pour into crust. Place on baking sheet.
  • Bake for 45 to 50 minutes or until top is golden brown and filling is "just set" in center.
  • Allow to cool completely.

*You can use a graham crust as suggested in the recipe or a store bought, unbaked pie shell of your choice. I'm using my unbaked Mix in Pan pie crust. Click here to get my Mix In Pan Pie Crust Recipe .

    Recipe printed with permission from Sun-Maid Raisins


      Calories: 435kcal
      Tried this recipe?Mention @southernplate or tag #southernplate!

      You may also like these cookie recipes:

      Iced Oatmeal Cookies

      Chewy Loaded Oatmeal Cookies

      Mamas Crispy Oatmeal Cookies

      Oatmeal Bars (Made with baking mix!)


      Once again I want to thank Sun Maid Raisins for being so sweet and gracious.
      If you have time, head on over and say hi to them by clicking here to visit their Facebook page.


      If you aren’t on our Southern Plate Family Facebook page yet, we’d love to have you join us there, too!


      Spend time with those you love. One of these days you will say either, “I wish I had,” or “I’m glad I did.”

      ~Zig Zigler
      Thank you to Angela for submitting this one! Add your motivational or inspiring quote to our collection by clicking here. 

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      1. “They” say these are good. So I think, I will cook it to take to “they”‘s for Sunday lunch.
        I know it will be good. I use to love Grandma’s fried raisin pies. 😉

      2. Oh Christy, I swear we must be related somehow! I can relate to so many things in this post, it’s almost crazy! For one, I too grew up listening to Charlie Daniel’s music since my mom has always been an avid country music fan (well, not so much today, since alot of today’s country artists are pretty much as raunchy or suggestive as some of the other genres of music out there). Anyway, CDB’s ‘Devil Went Down To Georgia’ was pretty much the only country music song I could stomach back then. Have you ever heard the follow-up to that song? ‘The Devil Came Back to Georgia’? It is a collaboration between CDB and a fantastic violinist, Mark O’Connor. Travis
        Tritt and Johnny Cash sing the lyrics. The violin playing in that song is mind-blowing! If you haven’t heard of it, do yourself a favor and google it. Amazing! The other thing in your post that caught my eye was the phrase, “They say…..”. In my family, we too have heard it used ad nauseum. My grandmother has always been a good one for parroting the virtues of “they” and what they had to say. We laugh about it all the time! As for your stop at Loveless Cafe, I just placed and received a mail order from the Loveless Cafe this past week – I love their biscuit mix and strawberry preserves. I keep telling the hubby we have to plan another trip down South and stop there. And lastly, I have read Tamara Alexander’s books as well. I enjoy her writing so much. I hope to meet you someday; it sounds like we have a lot in common. Have a blessed day, as “they say”….!

      3. Love the idea of oatmeal and raisins, know my hubby will like it too, sadly my daughter hates raisins, for what reason I am not sure, she says they are too sweet, but will eat grapes, don’t get that???
        However I am going to try to make this pie, but I don’t like corn syrup and am wondering if I can sub in Rodger’s Golden instead.

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