About Us

This is my “Mama”. She taught me how to cook, tie my shoes, and say I’m “glistening” instead of “sweating”. She also gave me my heirloom rolling pin which I tend to mention quite often and never pass up a chance to photograph.

Mama has been cooking full blown meals since she was thirteen. For her, it isn’t a meal unless it involves a meat, at least two vegetables, a bread, dessert, and tea.

She is an amazing cook as was evidenced by the extra folks crowding around our dinner table each and every night growing up. Even now, I don’t know a soul who would pass up a chance to eat one of her meals.

Pretty much all of my recipes and definitely my love of cooking, came from her. Mama was helping out with brainstorming, tutorials, and ideas for this site. 

Hey Everybody! I’m Christy. I am the originator of Southern Plate and come from a family of great southern cooks. People who can take ingredients they have on hand and not just “make do” but make magic at the dinner table. Fresh vegetables, cornmeal batters, our beloved White Lily flour, and tattered hand written recipes are in my blood and in my kitchen.

Armed with these recipes, my HomeEc degree, and Mama and Grandmama on speed dial, I hope to bring a bit of our heritage to you.

We’ve lived in the south all of our lives. Our ancestors were among the first families ever to settle in the Tennessee Valley. It doesn’t get more southern than this.

In 2020 I handed over the reigns of running Southern Plate to Stacey Lynn.  She wasn’t born in the South but got there as fast as she could.  Her love of cooking everything Southern made me excited to pass the baton to her while I pursue my dreams of Bible Study and Fellowship. 

Well, that is enough about us..

Now go to the grocery store and get cooking!

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  1. Hi there!

    I stumbled across your website while looking for a Cracker Barrel Hashbrown Casserole recipe which turned out fantastic! I love reading your site. I am from Texas and make many of the same dishes you do only I know live in D.C., I too have almost died from the cold weather here…miss/need the sun!! These folks up here have no clue as to what I am making most of the time. I have even had to teach a few how to fold a burrito! Just wanted to say hi and how happy I am to have something to read that sounds like “home”. Yes, I have thrown a fit and wanted to give someone a knuckle sandwhich, ha!

    Happy holidays to yamaman’em 🙂


  2. Love your blog! I am a southern girl, too-Mississippi. I’ll be back to check out your great lookinng reipes!-Lorie

  3. Sherri: Welcome to Southern Plate! I am so thrilled to have you here!! Thank you for such kind words, I take them all to heart and they do mean so very much to me.

    I hope to bring back a bit of our southern past in this blog, so reminding you of your Grandmother is another great compliment. Please do let me know if you ever have any special requests and get comfy, I got lots more to go!

  4. Hi there! I have to say this is by far the best cooking blog I have found. I am just east of you in Va and have pretty much lived her my whole life and am so grateful to find some of your recipes resemble my great grandmothers. Thank you for such a wonderful blog!


  5. Thank YOU, Benji, for visiting us! I’m glad you like it so far and hope to keep delivering! If you have any special requests or questions, just give us a holler! In the meantime, sit back and stay a spell!! Its good to have you here!

  6. Holy buckets, what a great site! I grew up in Anniston and now live in a small town south of Macon. It’s very nice to see some sweet Alabama gals getting some well-deserved attention! My Daddy tells us about the chocolate gravy and biscuits is Pa used to have as a kid. I can’t tell you how much seeing your site takes me home. Thank you so much for the wonderful site and all the work you put into it!

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