YOU need to come to Becoming!

You’re invited to the ultimate Girl’s Weekend August 8th – 9th, 2014!Join me at Becoming!

I am so excited about the upcoming Becoming conference, for a multitude of reasons!

  1. I hope to see you there!
  2. It is located in what I personally consider to be one of the most beautiful places on the planet: Ridgecrest, North Carolina
  3. I hope you’ll join me in sitting on the rocking chair porch one morning and watching the sun come up.
  4. I have some wonderful things to share with you that will make getting supper on the table absolutely doable every single night, regardless of your schedule. I’m also leading a session dear to my heart from personal experience entitled “Overcoming Depression”.
  5. I can’t wait to get to spend time with all of the other wonderful ladies – like YOU!

Are you sensing a theme here? YOU are the one I am hoping to meet at Becoming 🙂

So now you may be asking, what is Becoming?


This photo was lovingly borrowed from my friend Jen at Balancing Beauty and Bedlam 🙂

Becoming is an annual ladies conference/retreat (for me, it feels more like a retreat!) held in the mountains of North Carolina for ladies of all ages from all walks of life. We come together to learn, encourage, and help one another steady our paths on the way to becoming all that we are meant to be in life!

This fabulous weekend will help you to be a better wife, mother, daughter, and friend and what is even better, it is one of the most affordable conference experiences you’ve probably ever been invited to! (Yes, I am inviting you. You. Yes you. Right now!).

If you share a room, this weekend can be as little as $100 per person – and that even includes meals!

Join me at Becoming!

So speed click your way over to the Becoming site to read all of the details about the wonderful workshops and speakers (ooh! I’m a speaker, too!), then register today because spots are limited and I don’t want you to miss out on the fun!

I hope to see you there!

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  1. I worked at Ridgecrest many years ago as a housekeeper!! People always complained about NOT HAVING A T.V. IN THEIR ROOM!!! Moved away,but still have family in Black Mountain and Old Fort,N.C. and I always drive by Ridgecrest when I go visit.

  2. This sounds wonderful. I won’t be able to come this time, but maybe next time. Thank you & God bless. P.S. I love your website!

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