Favorite Apple Recipes from Friends!

day 4

I still have lots of great Southern Plate Apple recipes to share with you but today I’m sharing some great recipes from a few of my friends!

Apple Blondies

Brown Sugar Apple Blondies

from SouthernBite


Glazed Apple Bread 

From Balancing Beauty and Bedlam 

Apple Cider Caramels

Soft and Chewy Apple Cider Caramels

From Lark’s Country Heart


Apple Snack Cake with Browned Butter Icing

From Our Best Bites


Chocolate Caramel Apples

From Southern Plate. Oh wait, that’s me 🙂 

See my other Apple Week Recipe Collections by clicking any of the photos below!

Day 1

Apple Week Recipes! Part 1

Day 2

Apple Week 2

Day 3

Apple Week Day 3

What have you baked up this week?

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  1. Thank you so much for the wonderful apple recipes. The recipes from other web sites are good, but I prefer reading Southern Plate. Your witness comes out through all of your words and I am inspired. I have to use the carts in grocery stores and I appreciate the things you said about not judging people that use them. I don’t “look” like I need to use one, but I do. Thank you again for your stories…they are the best!!

  2. Thanks so much sweet Friend for including my Soft & Chewy Apple Cider Caramels in this FABULOUS Apple Recipe Round up! There looks to be a tons of great recipes here that I want to try ASAP! Thanks!

  3. Hi Christi,
    I just love your recipes! They are so down to earth and no extra trips to the store to get fancy ingredients. 🙂
    I made warm cinnamon pudding cobbler this week and it was delicious !! Tonight I made your peach crisp recipe with peaches from Georgia that a dear elderly friend gave us as we passed thru. Us NC folks LOVE some GA peaches! I look forward to seeing what’s in the email everyday and as a homeschooling mom and pastors wife your recipes have helped me put some variety on the table without a lot of extra work

  4. So many YUMMY choices where does a person begin? I know go get a basket of apples and just make them all to share with others.For some reason my favorite apple is yellow delicious and I think because of being raised in West Virginia where they were plentiful. I can remember standing with a wooden paddle that had a long handle stirring apple butter in a huge iron kettle over a fire that burned all day while we stirred the apples making the best apple butter. If we were lucky there would be a little leftover after the canning to spread on a biscuit left from breakfast. I have never had such good apple butter in my life. Maybe it was the apples or just the memories how sweet they are.

  5. Look forward to your recipes each day, Christy. Thanks for all the good recipes. I made an apple pie last Sunday. I think I’ll make your apple fritters next. I haven’t had any for so long & yours look delish!

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