Southern Plate Weekly Chat #1

In this week’s chat I talk about how to download Free SouthernPlate Supper Favorites Recipe Cards and answer a reader’s question about what texts I use to teach Christian Character education in our homeschool.

You can also find me at:

Subscribe (and get the free recipe cards I mention in the video) by clicking here

Please take special note: If you are already a subscriber, you received these cards in an email January 3, 2015. Please check your spam and junk folders if you don’t see it in your inbox. I try to look up every account who says they didn’t receive them and so far each one I have checked has had them sent with no issue, so if you could check that would help a lot. Thanks for being excited about these cards! 🙂 


  1. I found your blog just a few months ago. I LOVE it. Your recipes are wonderful (Tiger Butter was a hit with everyone) We do have gluten allergies in our family but I am using your basic recipes and trying to convert them. Some with great success. Some not so great. That said, more than anything I enjoy your style,Christian values and the love you show for your family. Oh and being a 64 year old dyed in the wool southern woman I love the way you express yourself. Sometimes I think ” that sounds like me,my sister,my daughter,my aunt.. Well you get the picture. Just know you are doing God’s work. God bless you!

  2. Loved the Chat and the recipe card idea. Can you resend the cards to me, can’t find the original e mail where they were sent.

    Appreciate you and your hard work so much.

    1. Hey! I’m afraid I’ve had a lot of people ask me to resend the email due to not opening, spamming it, or deleting it. I’m going to send the cards out one more time in today’s email so make sure you check it :).

  3. We LOVE the Miller Family Series! We read all of their books with our girls when they were younger as part of our family Bible time. Enjoyed your video and love the recipe cards idea!

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