Dollar Store Pumpkins Made Adorable! with Sugar Pie Farmhouse

Friends, Aunt Ruthie is back today with another one of her heartwarming joy inspiring decorating posts! Get excited!

Howdy dear friends! I’m bringing you an idea that I think will delight your heart! At least it did mine when a friend dolled-up these darling and adorable pumpkins purchased at the Dollar Store! Decorating our home for fall doesn’t have to be expensive! But it sure adds a warm, cozy and festive touch to our rooms! Here’s how she did it…

Basically, all my friend did was paint the orange pumpkins white with craft paint, pulled out the plastic stems and replaced them with twigs that she found in her yard! Easy peasy!! These pumpkins have a foam type filling so she just put a dollop of hot glue in the hole, after pulling out the stem and pushed the brown twig into it. All of a sudden, that Dollar Store pumpkin became something special and adorable! It looks like something hand-crafted that you could buy on Etsy for several times the amount that the pumpkin cost. So darling!

You certainly could choose a different color if you didn’t want white. Even if you wanted the pumpkin orange it would look much more charming if you painted over the original color with orange paint. You could add a little red, yellow or brown to the paint mix which would give the pumpkin more depth and richness in color. The options are endless in the colors you choose to paint your pumpkins…golden caramel, nutmeg brown, rainy-day gray, buttercream, butterscotch or the color of a pumpkin spice latte!

One of my favorite things to use to highlight my seasonal decor are cake stands! I have several white cake stands that I’ve collected from flea markets, Target and T.J. Max that I use year round, not just for cakes, but for showcasing my favorite things of the season! Here I’ve surrounded those adorable white, twig-stemmed pumpkins with other fall adornments. Gathering the beauty of Autumn and thoughtfully arranging it throughout our home brings such sparking joy to our family. It makes home sweet!

“As homemakers, making our homes feel cozy and delightful blesses our family! Like the old hymn, when we “Brighten the corner where we are”, it’s like lighting a candle…we light up the hearts of those we love.” ~Aunt Ruthie- Sugar Pie Farmhouseadorable pumpkins

The cheerful joyous season,
The Autumn time is come,
With song and shout we welcome,
The golden Harvest Home. ~ unknown
Well, I hope you enjoyed this simple idea to add
beauty and adorableness to ordinary
Dollar Store pumpkins!
Happy Decorating
Happy Fall Y’all!
“Bless your family…make home sweet!”
Aunt Ruthie
(For more old-fashioned goodness
come visit me over at Sugar Pie Farmhouse)
You might also enjoy Aunt Ruthie’s post on how to make a Cozy Fall Vignette! Click the image below to visit that post.

Get to know Aunt Ruthie below, you’ll be glad you did!

Howdy! Meet Aunt Ruthie from the Ozark hills of Branson, Missouri. She’s a happily married mama of four and  “Honey” to eight grand babies.

Ruthie’s co-authored four books on home and family with Harvest House Publishers and has been blogging for 10 years at Sugar Pie Farmhouse. Her blog is where you’ll find ideas to help make your home as sweet as Sugar Pie!

She’s a Mama on a mission! Her passion is to encourage women of all ages to turn their hearts back home and create a warm and cozy nest for their loved ones. “We can’t control what happens in the world, but we can do a lot of things to make sure our home is safe, secure and filled with comfort, joy and love. It’s all about being a blessing to those who are dear to our hearts!”

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