A Full Easter Menu (What We’ll Be Having)

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I have a few more posts to bring you this week that will center around Spring foods you might want to include in your Easter menu but I wanted to get you a post up to some of my favorite Southern Plate recipes that my family will be enjoying as we all get together this Sunday to celebrate Easter. This day is BIG DOINGS in the South and I can hardly wait to get into the kitchen and get to cooking!

Anytime I am cooking a big scale for a lot of people, I try to make as much as I can ahead of time so I have a clean kitchen and am free to enjoy my family and guests on the big day, so within this post I’ll let you know how far ahead I assemble these dishes in case you want to streamline your Easter as well!

I start with desserts, eventually get to salads, rolls, main courses, and beverages!


Lemon Meringue Pie with Cookie Crumb Crust

This is the MUST HAVE pie each Easter. While store bought ones are all good and well, anyone can make this homemade version in about the same amount of time it would take you to go buy one at the grocery store and I can guarantee you the reviews will make your efforts more than worth it!

A lemon meringue pie unlike any other! (Click the name to view a full photographic tutorial and get the recipe!)

*Can make up to two days ahead of time.


Fresh Strawberry Pie

I love this pie so much, Mama always makes two so she can send one home with me! She told me this morning that she’s making them later this week for Sunday! WEEE!

*Can make up to two days ahead of time.


Deviled Eggs, a Southern Staple!

You gotta have at LEAST one tray of deviled eggs at Easter because they are so good …


..and also something you can have a bit of fun with!

*Can make two to three days ahead of time.


Jordan Rolls

This is my personal roll recipe and I just love them. If you are serving ham, they make the best sandwiches with leftover pieces.

*Make these fresh the day of the meal

Daddy’s Coconut Cake

This is my Daddy’s favorite cake for Christmas and Easter. Some folks around here call it “Rotten cake” because it is sooooo good you want folks to think it’s rotten and keep it all to yourself!

*Can make three days ahead of time

“Well look at that, Christy just put a dessert right smack dab in the middle of the side dishes. Lawd help me, that girl ain’t got a plum lick of sense…”

Cheesy Hash Brown Casserole

My sister in law, Stacey, has specifically requested this dish this year!

*Assemble the day before and bake just before meal


Sweet And Sour Green Beans

This recipe uses frozen green beans but makes them taste garden fresh!

*Can make now and freeze, reheating day of the meal. Or, make two days ahead of time, store in fridge, and heat in microwave.


Macaroni Salad

Mama and Grandmama are ga-ga over this salad!

*Can make two days ahead of time.

Buttermilk Congealed Salad

This is just a classic congealed salad but it’s also fun because you can change the color and flavor just by using different flavors of gelatin.

*Can make three days ahead of time.

Rhyming Broccoli Salad

I love this stuff. My Daddy loves this stuff. My Mama loves this stuff. My Grandmama loves this stuff….

*Can make three days ahead of time.


Relish Tray Ideas For Kids!

If you’re feeding children who tend to be on the picky side, a relish tray on the table is the way to go! All of their favorites that they can put on their plate, but all healthy options, too! This is how I round out the meal for my pickiest eaters.

*Make day of meal.

How to Bake A Ham (and get at least four meals out of it!)

You got a ham, now what do you do with it? This post shows you how to easily bake a ham and then offers yummy (and easy ) ideas for the leftovers!

*Can bake day before and reheat.


Mama’s Creamy Macaroni and Cheese

We have to have this every year at Easter or the men and children will disown us.

*Make day of meal


Mama’s Chicken Poulet (or Chicken chicken!)

In case you’re not in the mood for ham, here is a chicken recipe that is assembled the night before and baked just before serving.

Wait a minute, why wouldn’t you be in the mood for ham? ~blinks~ Well on the off chance ya are, here ya go!

*This recipe must be assembled the night before and baked just before the meal.

Sweet Tea

Every meal, without question 🙂

I make mine with Splenda.

*We always make tea fresh every day.


Fresh StrawberryAde

This is such a treat, especially for your guests who are watching their sugar! So easy to whip up and such a treat!

*Can make two days ahead of time

More Springtime recipes coming up this week so stay tuned!



Spring is nature’s way of saying,

“Let’s party!”

~Robin Williams


  1. Hi! Thanks for teaching me to cook! Made a successful Easter dinner thanks to you. I am so mad at myself for not learning to cook from my grandmothers before they passed away, but now I have you! You are the best!

  2. Christy, how did your Easter dinner turn out? Did you have a good day? I ended up making 3 of your recipes for Easter! The Congealed Salad, Meme’s Mashed Potatoes and Deviled Eggs. They were all delicious! I’d never had anything like the congealed salad before (I live in Alaska and had never even seen a Jello salad) but it was so good. The buttermilk gave it a great tart flavor. The mashed potatoes were wonderful, of course, and so were the deviled eggs (our recipes for the eggs are actually the same- simple is good!). I also made dinner rolls that are very similar to yours, pea salad and ham. It’s just my fiance and I though so I bought a small, fully cooked ham and fried slices of it. For dessert I made a Pavlova, which is an Australian dessert- a big meringue base with whipped cream and fresh fruit on top.

    Needless to say, we have a lot of leftovers :oD

    I can’t wait to make the Strawberry Ade, Lemon Meringue Pie, Strawberry Pie, Sweet & Sour Green Beans, and Daddy’s Coconut Cake. Your blog is just full of delicious looking recipes and I love reading all your stories. I think we have a similar outlook on life.

  3. Love this!! Thanks for the great blog. I just found it today and can’t wait to read it!! I was looking for a fruit cocktail cake recipe and it didn’t disappoint. Delicious! Hope you don’t mind I posted a link on my blog. Planning on making the StrawberryAde tomorrow!

  4. Christy, all this yummy food makes me want to go in the kitchen and cook all day! Looks delicious! I think I will have to try some of these. Happy Easter!

  5. What time is dinner??? Looks wonderful. Can’t wait to try those Jordan Rolls……….Yummmmmmmmmm

  6. Hey there Kristy! Happy easter to you! I hope some if not all of these receipies are in your cook book because as soon as i see the link i am buying it!

    Be well my friend and I am sooo proud of you

    Dionne aka CoCoTreasure
    From Los Angeles!

    1. hey Dione!! I’ve got many of these recipes and a lot more exclusive ones in the cookbook. I do hope you get it and THEN I hope I get to meet you at a book signing!!!
      A gal can dream, can’t she?

  7. Oh, thank you so much for posting this. I was seriously behind in my easter planning this year. I am just going to “borrow” bits from your plan. I appreciate you.

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