A Little Chat Video

A little chat video for those who have been following me on Facebook :). I mentioned I had big news coming and I talk about the press release for that, the current issue of Taste of the South with my feature, upcoming things on Southern Plate, my next book, my episode of Paula Deen and more.

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  1. Christy, You are such a sweet heart I want to give you a BIG hug. I first came to your blog for southern cooking recipes but I have gained so much more. Thank you for being so uplifting I sure needed that today.

  2. I just found your site a few days ago and I was amazed at the atmosphere here. The best way I know to describe it is – sincere and real. The people in the forums and the overall tone is just very sincere and real. After watching this video I can see that you, set the tone and that is conveyed throughout the site. Congrats for creating such an environment on the internet!

  3. You are so up-beat about everything!! I love to hear the wonderful words that you inspire us with! I always feel so blessed each day that I was allowed to wake up and enjoy yet another day here on earth! As you say, we are so rich to have family and friends that we care so much about.
    Bless you Christy and your family–you are so loved by all!!!!

  4. Christy, you just bring tears to my eyes girl with your message! Thank you for reminding us all how truly RICH and BLESSED we are! I’m so proud of your success for you and hope that we get to cross paths again soon. Thank you for coming out to New Market Bar-B-Q! It was just such a pleasure to meet you!

  5. Amen, Christy! Better or bitter, that’s how we can influence every single day and you truly just made mine better. We are indeed a very rich and blessed people. Thank you for using your voice and position to bless us in return. God bless you!

  6. Christy, I was not born in the south, but I truly feel sometimes like the stork left me in the wrong place! I was born in Ohio, and remember my aunts & grandmothers making quite a few of the dishes that you do. It really brings back some fond memories…
    I also wanted to tell you that I was seriously injured by a drunk driver about 22 months ago, and had to learn to walk again. Some days, I am in a lot of pain, but I get on my computer and go to your website. It always cheers me up & makes me laugh! I tell my girls about the recipes & you, and they like seeing me happy. Thank you so much for your infectious, happy spirit! Keep up the good work, and have fun!

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