Answer Questions : What do you do to be frugal in the kitchen?

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  1. Great grandmothers and grandmothers have so much wisdom to offer if we listen. My great grandparents came here (Massachusetts) from Italy. My great grandfather built their house. My great grandmother had chickens and a huge garden. They raised seven children on very little money during the depression. Their daughter, my “Nina”, recycled everything before it was trendy. I hope to pass on money saving sKills to my children. There is still so much to learn. Thank you for this post Christy – I learned lots of great tips! I love this saying from the Depression Era, “Use it up. Wear it out. Make due or do without”

  2. Hi Christy,

    Thank you so much for your latest videos. I hope that you continue to make them! I’m at home with a young baby and your videos are like having a friend over for a cup of tea. I found your blog a little while after I married about 6 years ago and you have been such an inspiration to me as I have started my own family. I find your tips very encouraging and everybody loves it when I share something I’ve made from your collection of recipes.

    I can’t wait until my son is a little older and I can really get him involved in cooking. At the moment he is interested watching me make bread dough so I think he will be a keen cook as he is older. It is very important to me to involve him in the kitchen as I grew up cooking with my Mum and Nana and it has left me with such wonderful memories.

    Do you think perhaps in a future video you could share some tips for new mums?

    Thank you so much for all that you share with the Southern Plate community!!!

  3. Love the videos also….
    Have a question re: vinegar, I notice you use white vinegar according to the photo instead of apple cider vinegar for this cucumber recipe, is there a reason, and when should the two be used or not used , or is it a preference ? And I notice in most all recipes when vinegar is an ingredient, they just say vinegar, not white vinegar or apple cider vinegar …..or is it for you to choose ? Just would really like to know……can you help ? Thanks

    1. Hey! Sure can help. I used white vinegar in this but Cider vinegar would absolutely work. I think in most cases, it’s gonna be a personal preference thing and you can surely substitute whichever you prefer. In most recipes, when they just call for vinegar, they mean white vinegar. Apple cider is usually stipulated specifically when it is called for. Apple cider vinegar adds not only a wang but a little more flavor to things and sometimes that may not be desired (like in cakes) but it can definitely add a little more oomph to veggie salads and such. Now that you mentioned this, I’ll probably make this next time with apple cider vinegar.
      Hope this helps!

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