Answer Questions : What do you do to be frugal in the kitchen?

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  1. Hi Christy!
    I enjoy all your videos. Keep them coming!
    In your video you mentioned using soy as meat replacement. I think you referred to it as tcp or tb (short term memory problem) any way the purpose was to cut down one at consumption.
    It seems as though every time one turns around we are being bomb bearded with this is good for you and then this is no longer good for you, etc.
    Do you know if soy products are okay for consumption?
    Finally, I hope you received my question re TEMPLE MEAT.

    1. Hey Martha! Temple Meat was one question I had seen somewhere but didn’t know where. It is simply meat from the head of a pig, usually pretty lean and inexpensive if you can find it. Certain cultures cook with it more than others so in some areas it will be pretty common. I can’t say as I’ve ever seen it.
      As far as TVP (Texturized Vegetable Protein) goes, you know there are always conflicting views on everything so we just have to use our own best judgement. On any given day, I’ve had folks tell me Wheat, Carrots, Corn, Butter, Dairy, Dairy substitutes, eggs, meat, rice, and a whole slew of others are “unhealthy”. In our world of fad diets all it takes is one book coming out declaring itself to be the gospel and congregants line up. :). At the end of the day, we have to just educate ourselves as best we can and make the decisions best for us. If we follow every trend we won’t even be able to munch on blades of grass. Meat can absolutely be part of a healthy diet, as can soy. In some cases, soy protein is infinitely more healthier for a person than meat (depending on that person and their health). Its just kind of a toss up. For me and my family, I choose to add soy protein into our diet but then again we also eat everything I mentioned above so we may be rebels in that way – or maybe we just eat like our grandparents did with everything in moderation and gratitude for it all. :). I imagine you are much the same way!
      Love ya!

      1. Christy, My Daddy said to eat everything but the moo, the cluck, and the oink! I know a meat shop which processes farmers free range animals and he sells the heads. Daddy used to cook them down in a big stock pot and make head cheese (souse) and pressure canned some of the meat we picked off with the stock for beef and noodles, pork dishes, etc. The chicken feet make the richest broth and are said to have the most antibiotic properties. I have heard the term temple meat since the kosher way of killing cut the animal’s throat and drained the blood. Might be what you are hearing about. I have my name on the list for a head since I have my Daddy’s recipe for the head cheese and wonder if it will taste as good as his did; he did it in an iron kettle outside over a wood fire.

  2. I didn’t watch yet, but I do a few things. I have a freezer bag in my freezer for all the left over carrot end, celery, onions, mushroom steams, & Asparagus ends as well. Also in another bag chicken bones/carcasses. And beef bone bag as well. When pretty full I throw bones with veggie scraps in crock pot on low for 24 hour with 1 TBSP of vineage. And make my own broth. so yummy and on less thing I have to buy. Also I coupon and buy staples for the pantry. Because usually they can on sale once every 3 months. So I buy with lots of coupons and stock up when on sale. Also with all left overs I totally remake it in a different way the next night. I have a house full of people who say we don’t eat left overs. LOL Oh yes they do..

  3. Christy Jordan, thanks for sitting down to chat with me this morning! That is exactly how I feel about your video. I sat back with a glass of ice water and just laughed along with you. Thanks for visiting with me – I truly enjoyed the time!

  4. Hi Christy, the things i do to be frugal is eat a lot of leftovers,before i cook a new meal.My husband and i raised five children, and i came from a large family.I also use a lot of home remedies that i learned from my grandmother,Big Mama.

  5. Because of the lack of HS internet in my area I am unable to view a lot of the videos. Are they available in printed form. takes forever to download with dialup.

    1. Hey Abby! I’m afraid not. These are videos where I sit and chat and they don’t translate well to print. However, the vast majority of my site (over 900 posts) are in nothing but print format. Some of the links below (money saving tips, I know) are print as well.

      1. I have already shared with you many of my frugal efforts in the kitchen. Some folks may think “frugal” is the same thing as “stingy”. But it is actually being a good steward of what we have. Years ago there was a program called “The Frugal Gourmet”. I was a faithful follower and really was disappointed when the program was cancelled. He always emphasized that to be frugal is to be wise. A good tip I heard just the other day was to save the carcass of the chicken and bake it in the oven to brown it to produce a yummier stock.

        And you are right, Christy, it would be hard to put your videos in print and do your precious giggles justice!

  6. I love your heart, and you have a large, caring one. You feel like a friend, and I appreciate your time. Thank you for this confirming video, I also am as frugal as can be, I’m retired and my husband is semi-retired. We grow a garden, and we try to live within our means. Thank you for all your great posts. And with your hint about our grandmothers my mind started churning, excited to see what that might be.

    1. I love this video. I would like to learn more about TVP. Where to buy, What kind to buy and how to use it. Could you do a video of how to use it?

      1. Also, on being frugal. I use banana peelings and coffee grounds around flowers in the yard. I also look online alot for “home remedies” that you get from your kitchen. Grandmothers knew a lot about these things. Wish I could have gotten mine to write a book with all the saying and home remedies. My husband already buys frugally, i.e. sales at the grocery store, quanity of items on sale *(Just wish I had a place to store all of it. LOL)

      2. I also would like for you to do a cooking video on using this, Meat is the most expensive part of the meal. Really enjoyed your biscuit making. Thanks for all you do 🙂

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