Answer Questions : What do you do to be frugal in the kitchen?

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  1. Enjoy watching your videos, but am hearing-impaired. I lip-read pretty well, but am sure I’m only getting a fragment of what’s being said. I understand video is the best format for some things, that there would be a lot lost in a written adjunct, and that there simply aren’t that many of your devotees with similar problems (at least, not enough to justify the additional cost). You express yourself so delightfully well, though, that I really feel frustrated at what I lose by not being able to get what you’re saying.
    On a different note, please, please continue to step up on your soapbox from time to time. You have no way of knowing how often something you’ve posted is exactly what I needed to “hear” at that moment! You are a treasure. God bless.

  2. I love your videos! I am interested in seeing your garden and knowing more about that. I would love to live off my own garden, but I just don’t know where to start!

  3. I just love your videos, Christy. These last few have really left me smiling and feeling happy! I almost feel like you’re talking just to me….

    I’ve been doing the frugal thing for a long time but always happy to be learning something new, that’s for sure. Does your mama happen to remember any old home remedies passed down from her elders? That’s the latest thing I’m trying to learn more about. I’m older than your mama, but I can only remember a couple of things from my very early childhood.

    I’m so glad you mentioned TVP, I know the pros and cons… but you’re the only person I know who has actually eaten it. I was really curious about it. I’d probably have to hide the can from all of my kids and grandkids…. as they’d sure go ‘ewww.’ I had to laugh when you said that only you and Katy knew it wasn’t real meat! LOL That’s my family exactly!!

    Keep up the good work,

    1. Hi Nancy!!! I am talking to you!! So glad you are enjoying the videos, I am really enjoying making them. I will ask Mama and see what all she can remember, I know she has some that she has told me about but maybe we can get her to make a list. 🙂

  4. Hi Christy loved the video again please keep them coming. Your little gems of knowledge do help us and I love to hear the happiness bubble up in you. You are like a shinning star.

  5. Christy, Ive learned by using powdered milk and also powdered buttermilk, when cooking and baking that we save allot of money and less waste. I always have both on hand 🙂

  6. Christy, I loved the video today. I know this might sound crazy to some people but I feel the way I save is by helping others. As an empty nester and living on a small amount, I cook and give dinners away each day to my surrounding elderly neighbors. So I feel because I do so then God always makes sure I have food to cook to share with others.

    1. Hi Marsha your comment touched my heart you are a truly good person and as so often happens its the ones who can least afford it who give the most God bless

      1. Thank you Judi. I am blessed everyday in some way even if at that moment I don’t realize it, I always see it later as a blessing. Sometimes things that we see as a hindrance can end up being a true blessing.

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