Answering Your Questions (Video)

I set up a special email address for my subscribers to email in questions they’d like to ask. I was hoping to get enough questions to make a video and ended up with so many that I may be making a few videos!

Thank you so much for everyone who took the time to email in. I’m excited to get to sit down and chat with you now :).

The video starts out blurry but gets really clear shortly after.

Links I mention in the video:

Aunt Sue’s Famous Pound Cake

Better For Your Diet Southern Recipe Collection

How To Season Cast Iron

3 Ingredient Biscuits

How to Make Buttermilk Biscuits

Hoe Cake


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  1. Hi Christy, I enjoyed your video and wanted you to know about those loose meat sandwiches you mentioned. I grew up in a small town in southeastern South Dakota, and we also have a small drive in called Tastee Treat, they serve the best loose meat sandwiches ever, even at my age Tastee is nearly the first place I head for when I’m fortunate to be able to get back home. I too have looked high and low for the recipe, but have never been successful at either finding a written recipe for them, nor have I been able to duplicate them. And the steamed bun is definitely a plus. I’ll look forward to hearing or reading about the other viewers who might have a recipe for them.

    Thanks so much for taking the time to read this and I wish you all the best, and continued success in your endeavors. Bonnie

  2. Loved your video with questions & answers. where do you post a question?
    I wanted to know if you ever create instant brown rice? I saw your show on drying white rice, but would brown rice work as well? I hope you can answer. but if not I understand.

    1. You can create instant brown rice the same way you do white but just know that it will go rancid much quicker. White rice is good pretty much indefinitely but brown rice has more oil in it so it doesn’t last as long, that’s why I don’t store it up in my long term foods. Make sure you join my email list so you don’t miss anything, if you’d like :).
      P.S. how do you know when brown rice is rancid? Smell it. Believe me, you’ll know! lol

      1. I am signed up and receive your emails but I can’t locate the link to the email address you set up to send questions to.

        1. It was located in the email that I sent out on Sunday 🙂
          I am trying to keep that e-mail address free of spam so I haven’t posted it anywhere online but if you still have the e-mail from Sunday you should have it. I can’t wait to see your questions!!

  3. Hey there, Christy! Thank you so much for doing this video – I enjoyed it so much and learned some new things and noted more recipes to look for on your website. Plus I laughed out loud a few times, which is nice on such a cold, raw, sleety day (in MA). You seem so warm and sweet – I wish you were my neighbor!
    May I share one little thing I find helpful to know about large slow cookers? I have a massive (7 qt, I think) slowcooker and I think they are supposed to be about 3/4 full to cook the food correctly. So when I’m making something that I don’t need a huge amount of – or if I’m making a small roast or chicken thighs or such – I put a smaller Pyrex dish right inside the slow cooker and use that to hold the food. It works great! This isn’t my own discovery – I got it years ago from Steph O’Dea, when she was doing a year-long blog challenge of using her crockpot every single day.
    Thank you again! 🙂

    1. How clever! I do that when I am making overnight oatmeal and pour a little water around the bowl to let it cook in a water bath. Thew newer slow cookers cook just fine with only being half full but it is always best to go with your gut 🙂
      It sounds like your weather is like ours is today. So rainy! I just read the nicest poem though, perfect for today!
      This is from the McGuffy Reader

      Let It Rain

      Rose: See how it rains! Oh dear, dear, dear! how dull it is! Must I stay in doors all day?

      Father: Why, Rose, are you sorry that you had any bread and butter for breakfast, this morning?

      Rose: Why, father, what a question! I should be sorry, indeed, if I could not get any.

      Father: Are you sorry, my daughter, when you see the flowers and the trees growing in the garden?

      Rose: Sorry? No, indeed. Just now, I wished very much to go out and see them,–they look so pretty.

      Father: Well, are you sorry when you see the horses, cows, or sheep drinking at the brook to quench their thirst?

      Rose: Why, father, you must think I am a cruel girl, to wish that the poor horses that work so hard, the beautiful cows that give so much nice milk, and the pretty lambs should always be thirsty.

      Father: Do you not think they would die, if they had no water to drink?

      Rose: Yes, sir, I am sure they would. How shocking to think of such a thing!

      Father: I thought little Rose was sorry it rained. Do you think the trees and flowers would grow, if they never had any water on them?

      Rose: No, indeed, father, they would be dried up by the sun. Then we should not have any pretty flowers to look at, and to make wreaths of for mother.

      Father: I thought you were sorry it rained. Rose, what is our bread made of?

      Rose: It is made of flour, and the flour is made from wheat, which is ground in the mill.

      Father: Yes, Rose, and it was rain that helped to make the wheat grow, and it was water that turned the mill to grind the wheat. I thought little Rose was sorry it rained. Rose. I did not think of all these things, father. I am truly very glad to see the rain falling.

  4. HI Christy,
    My youngest daughters name is Kristy too.
    I live in Bowman, GA and I would like to know how can I make my homemade caramel in a high altitude? I made it once and it didn’t turn out at all, I had forgotten about cooking certain things in a high altitude. I am regularly from Saginaw, MI and when I would make it it would turn out so nice like it it should but forgot about the high altitude here in GA.
    Thank you so much for you time and help.
    I just love your recipes and your site!!!
    I learn some thing new all the time!!
    Hugs, Teresa

  5. What a wonderful video! I so much enjoyed watching you answer these questions and seeing you “feel” for the people who asked them. You are such an inspiration in this less than uplifting world we live in. God Bless you and your family and please, please keep up the videos and all the good work.

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