Answering Your Questions (Video)

I set up a special email address for my subscribers to email in questions they’d like to ask. I was hoping to get enough questions to make a video and ended up with so many that I may be making a few videos!

Thank you so much for everyone who took the time to email in. I’m excited to get to sit down and chat with you now :).

The video starts out blurry but gets really clear shortly after.

Links I mention in the video:

Aunt Sue’s Famous Pound Cake

Better For Your Diet Southern Recipe Collection

How To Season Cast Iron

3 Ingredient Biscuits

How to Make Buttermilk Biscuits

Hoe Cake


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  1. Christy, I absolutely LOVED your video!! I am amazed at what all you accomplish in a day. Wears me out thinking about it, lol! My favorite things you covered on the video was the information about the shelf stable milk and as a very comforting memory, the discussion on sorghum syrup!! I’m in NW Georgia and sorghum mixed with butter and served with biscuits is one (of many) of my loves!!
    Again, thank you so much for the “time” spent with you via video!! Loved it!! Hope many more to come. By the way, never worry about being too long winded! I enjoyed every second. Love ya!

    1. You Can get really good Sorghum syrup from Blairsville, Ga. my Dad always got it from the locals there. I’m from Gainesville, Ga. and it you go to this link you might from it helpful. They have what is called the Sorghum festival. Here’s the site, hope this is helpful. Have a good day.

  2. Christy…you are a kick! I loved the video and felt I was sitting across from you. Twenty years ago I lived on Pickwick Lake, TN and loved the cultural change for me since I am a Californian. I found your blog right after you started it and laughed so hard in remembrance of the time I spent in the South. We made many trips to Florence to Sam’s Club and once in a while to Huntsville. Thank you so much for your recipes and the fun stories that go along with them.

  3. Hi Christy!

    Thanks so much for making time to answer our questions…I am now going to have to try out the Pound Cake recipe and make your three kinds of biscuits!

    Please let your dogs know their barking scared my cat enough that he jumped up on the desk and started looking around for them! They are so cute-just loved seeing them on the video!

    Many blessings to you!

  4. Loved the video! Please consider doing more. After a long day at work, I felt like you were sitting in my kitchen just talking as family usually does. Thanks for the positive attitude.

  5. Hey how are you doing? I have been following you for a while and even used your recipes to get some of the young mama’s from church to start cooking. I can cook a lot of stuff but fail at any yeast breads help!!!

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