BIG Mixer Giveaway – 10 Winners!

Please join me in congratulating the following members of the Southern Plate Family who were chosen at random* as winners in our big mixer giveaway!

All winners will be emailed shortly with instructions on how to get your prize. THANK YOU SO MUCH! Gratefully,Christy

I have included a partial email on some people to make it easier to know who the winners are. If you think you are a winner from seeing your name and partial email below, stay tuned for an email from me 🙂

1. Marie H

partial email: ReeRee

2. Mary

partial email: mlmwh

3. Edra Zittrauer

4. Lena

partial email: lalak

5. Tamara

partial email: pwll

6. JoAnnW

partial email: jwals

7. Christine E.

partial email: gcell

8. Susan

partial email: spatri

9. Brenda Hilton

partial email: bjhilto

10. Terri

partial email: terrilu

*All winners were chosen using number generator

We’re Giving Away TEN Of These Mixers On This Post!

To enter just leave a comment below!

My name is Christy, and I murder hand mixers. That was the case with the first four hand mixers I ever owned. I burned up the motors in every one of them within a year. Shortly after starting Southern Plate and killing my fourth hand mixer, I contacted my friends at Hamilton Beach in frustration (I’d never owned a Hamilton Beach one) and asked if they had a mixer that would hold up for me. They sent me one of these puppies and it is the most amazing one I have ever owned!

I have had it a couple of years now and put it through the ringer but it still works just like new.

The ones we’re giving away are the latest models and the beaters have these rubber things on them to help scrape the sides of your bowl while you mix. There is also a whisk attachment and two regular beaters too. Oh and here is my favorite part! All of your beaters fit into this little case that snaps on the bottom. I have actually kept up with my beaters! (I am chronically unorganized so this is a shock, folks. Even my mother was impressed).

You know why I love Hamilton Beach appliances so much? Average people can actually afford them. I love to gaze at all those high gloss/high end appliances but the ticket prices are entirely unthinkable for most families.

Hamilton Beach offers what is, in my opinion, some of the highest quality small kitchen appliances available at prices we can all afford.

But today, you may not have to, because Hamilton Beach and Southern Plate will be choosing ten of you to get this hand mixer free


To Enter Just leave a comment below.

But hurry because this contest closes Sunday February 20th at midnight.

Winners will be chosen at random using and notified by email and announced on this post Monday morning.

Good Luck!

“Your house should always be clean enough to be healthy and messy enough to be happy!”

Submitted by Gina. Submit your quote by clicking here.


Disclaimer: I have not been financially compensated for this post and all of my opinions are my own (they did send me a mixer, though!). I have an awful lot of opinions, but today I’m just sharing the ones regarding this mixer and Hamilton Beach products (lucky you!). Hamilton Beach is providing all of the mixers to the winners, which is awful nice of them. Hmm, what else to disclaim? This is my natural hair color and I wear the same size shoes as I do pants – which I think is kinda neat. I don’t eat seafood, I can’t chew gum, and I dream of raising chickens and buying my grandfather’s farm one day :). All done disclaiming now!


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  1. My hand mixer is on it’s last leg, but it’s lasted 20 years! Will have to look at the HBs when this one finally dies.

  2. Love the handy little storage container attached to the mixer! I also love your recipes. I finally got my cookbook and have made two of the recipes so far…..bookmarked several others. Bought the ingredients for the Good ‘n’ Easy Cake today!

  3. Wow! I would love to have this mixer. I don’t have a HB mixer but another brand and I honestly have never been happy with it. I have a HB food processor and LOVE it. Actually, while visiting my daughter last weekend we were trying to make something and needed a food processor (which she didn’t have) so, she and I bee bopped to a local store and I got her a HB because I knew I had been so pleased with mine…loved their products (don’t know why I didn’t get a HB hand mixer when I got mine several years ago). Maybe I’ll win this one and I can give mine to Goodwill!

  4. I really enjoy this website. I’ve tried quite a few of the recipes and purchased 4 of your cookbooks—3 for family and 1 for myself. Hope I win one of the great mixers!

  5. This mixer look fantastic and I need one so bad! My 40+ year old Sunbeam stand mixer died in the middle of a cheese cake at Christmas, then while trying to finish the afore mentioned cheesecake with my 25+ year old hand mixer……it did its Puff the Magic Dragon imitation and died a tragic death! Now I have no cheesecake and no mixers!!

  6. Just like new tennis shoes make you run faster, that mixer will make my food taste oh so good!!!!

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