Biscuit Class – Classic 3 Ingredient Biscuits

Link to this recipe is below the video

biscuit class photo1

Good Morning! Last weekend I got together with a few of my friends who claimed they couldn’t make good biscuits and taught them how to make three different kinds! Everyone’s biscuits turned out beautifully and the great news is that my husband recorded the whole thing so I can bring my Biscuit Classes here to you, as well.

This is the first time we’ve done something like this so there are kinks to work out, of course, but I think this first effort turned out pretty good. We hope to purchase another camera before recording the next series of classes, so you can see my friends off camera more throughout the class. All in all, I think the video makes you feel like you are there, which, for me, is the next best thing to actually having you there :).

Thank you so much for watching and please comment below if you found this video helpful. I have been pleasantly surprised by all of the positive feedback on my “Answering Questions” series of videos and your comments and encouragement have been directly responsible for me doing more!

The links to recipes mentioned in this video can be found below. There is an ad that plays before the video (sometimes) in order to help fund a second camera :). Thanks for your understanding and support!

Recipes Mentioned In This Video:

More photos from this filming can be found on my Instagram (click here).

biscuit class

Stay tuned for more videos from my Biscuit class! Before we’re done I’ll teach you how to make every biscuit shown on this table (yup, they’re all biscuits!). Next time, we’re going to bring a real camera with us, too 🙂

beautiful biscuitsClassic 3 Ingredient Biscuits as taught in the video on this post.


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  1. I loved the video! It was very helpful. Now, how about a video on making sausage gravy? No matter how many times my mother tells me how, I can still never get it right.

    1. Watch your mother make gravy next time. Bet you’ll be able to do it next time.My favorite recipe for sausage gravy is so easy.

      Cook 1 lb. Of your favorite sausage in an iron skillet, stirring and mashing until the sausage lumps are the way you like them. Dump 3/4cup plain flour into pan annd stir like crazy with the whisk until flour is mixed well with sausage. Do this over mediom to low heat.

      If you like a really rich gravy, use half and half. I use whole milk or evaporated milk. If you use evaporatedyou willneed an equal amount of water.

      Pour two cups of your chosen liquid into the pan stir to mix. If gravy is too thick, add a bit more liquidand stir until gravy is consistency you like. Stir for a few more seconds to mix well, turn heat to low and add some blackpepper. Let simmer, stirring occasionly for about five more minutes too cook the flour. Gravy might thicken too much and need a bit more liquid.

      Gravy is nothing more than flour and seasonings cooked in fat to the brownness you like. Blended withmilk and simmered.

      Hint: if you want onion gravy brown the flour in fat before adding onions. Flour will not brown if you add onions at the beginning. Don’t know why, just that it is a fact. Add onions once thefkour is browned, then add liquid.

      Keep the water you boiled the potatoes in on Thanksgiving, brown flour in turkey drippings (light brown)and use potato water and broth. Yummy gravy !!

      I hope this doesn’t confuse you more.

      What goes wrong with your gravy ?

  2. Love the fun you and your friends had making the video. I like the simplicity of your scones (biscuits), I usually add dates and walnuts to mine but am going to try yours next time. Many thanks for recipie.

      1. My daughter said to me last month. She never could understand how a person could follow a recipe to the point and it still turn out wrong. Now you know how important this video is for me. Thank you so much!!!!

      1. It is good to watch a video of cooking from regular people that makes a mess have fun and teach at the same time. We watchers don’t have to be perfect at all but to be able to cook sensible without breaking the bank. And most stuff we have in our cabinets. Thanks for the fun

  3. Love the video! I made this recipe using powdered buttermilk recently. They were a bit crumblier than my previous attempt but still wonderful! Have you ever made biscuits using the powdered buttermilk?

    1. I have! I bought some eons ago and tried it and liked it, but then I forgot I had it because I was so used to using buttermilk or making it out of whole milk, lol. I don’t recall how mine turned out though or at least any difference. Maybe if you tried adding a wee bit more water than it calls for and letting it sit out a few minutes longer before using it?

      1. The can said to add the mix to the dry ingredients, and just use plain water with the mixture. I think your idea is better and I will add it to water first next time. Thanks!

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