Biscuit Class – Classic 3 Ingredient Biscuits

Link to this recipe is below the video

biscuit class photo1

Good Morning! Last weekend I got together with a few of my friends who claimed they couldn’t make good biscuits and taught them how to make three different kinds! Everyone’s biscuits turned out beautifully and the great news is that my husband recorded the whole thing so I can bring my Biscuit Classes here to you, as well.

This is the first time we’ve done something like this so there are kinks to work out, of course, but I think this first effort turned out pretty good. We hope to purchase another camera before recording the next series of classes, so you can see my friends off camera more throughout the class. All in all, I think the video makes you feel like you are there, which, for me, is the next best thing to actually having you there :).

Thank you so much for watching and please comment below if you found this video helpful. I have been pleasantly surprised by all of the positive feedback on my “Answering Questions” series of videos and your comments and encouragement have been directly responsible for me doing more!

The links to recipes mentioned in this video can be found below. There is an ad that plays before the video (sometimes) in order to help fund a second camera :). Thanks for your understanding and support!

Recipes Mentioned In This Video:

More photos from this filming can be found on my Instagram (click here).

biscuit class

Stay tuned for more videos from my Biscuit class! Before we’re done I’ll teach you how to make every biscuit shown on this table (yup, they’re all biscuits!). Next time, we’re going to bring a real camera with us, too 🙂

beautiful biscuitsClassic 3 Ingredient Biscuits as taught in the video on this post.


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  1. I’m close to 70, but I still remember making biscuits with my mom. She always took some of the leftover dough, sprinkled sugar & cinnamon on it, baked it, & I got it as a treat. Yum! Now I gotta go make biscuits which I haven’t made since my kids moved out! Lol

  2. Hi Christy,

    Thank you for showing me how to make biscuits. It’s one thing to read it and another to watch you demonstrate. Great job!! My grandmother and mother didn’t bake. I love to bake cakes, cookies, pies, etc. Someday, I’m going to teach my grandchildren to bake biscuits like a southerner! At 57 it’s never too late to start!

    Thanks from your Yankee neighbor in NY!

  3. I’m close to 70, but I still remember making biscuits with my mom. She always took some of the leftover dough, sprinkled sugar & cinnamon on it, baked it, & I got it as a treat. Yum! Now I gotta go make biscuits which I haven’t made since my kids moved out! Lol

  4. Loved the video. I learned this same recipe from my grandmother 50 years ago. However, why use the baking sheet over cast iron skillet on the small amount on your video? Wondering if there is a difference in the bisquit.

    1. I usually make larger quantities that won’t fit in my skillet but mostly, when working with beginners I want to set them up for success and most folks nowadays aren’t accustomed to cooking in cast iron and don’t have a well seasoned pan. 🙂

  5. Hey there Christy, just wanted to let you know; you have a great personality and your energy is to die for. I’m 64 and I’ve been making biscuits for a long time now. You did great! Just wanted to see how the youngster are doing it. Wanted to let you know that there is an easier way also. Instead of the Crico solid, I use the oil. My shoulders won’t let me do more. I enjoyed the video, you girls are awesome. You can let the Kentucky lady know I do the same thing as well. It’s called Drop biscuits.
    I’m from Corpus Christy, and I know a thing about southern biscuits. Just sharing, thank you, can’t wait to see more. As always, Bonnie Sue Spalding ~

  6. My mother made biscuits every day. They were always so good and looked like a picture in a magazine. One day when she was visiting me she was watching me make biscuits (not very pretty ones) and she looked puzzled and said, “I never saw anyone make biscuits by a recipe!” She was a wonderful southern cook and never had a cook book. When I got married I wanted to cook by a recipe. I would give anything if I had her show me how instead. Thank you for all you do!

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