Chat Video – Chat about book, how I’m refueling, encouragement, etc

A little video chat with y’all about book progress, how I’m refueling, and encouragement 🙂

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  1. Hi Christy, I see dried mushrooms in your pictures. Can you share some tips on dehydrating and rehydrating mushrooms? Mine did not turn out well. I sliced and blanched them before drying. They did not rehydrate well. I used hot water and let them sit for a while. Thanks.

    Forgive me for accidentally responding to the newsletter, rather than using the comment box.

    1. Hey Linda!
      I may be a rebel here but I don’t blanch my mushrooms. They tend to absorb liquid fairly easily so I just give them the quickest rinse I can, slice, and put them immediately on trays to dehydrate and I haven’t had any problem doing them that way. What happened when you rehydrated them? It’s normal for them to not regain their shape and look a little wilted once rehydrated but the flavor should be much the same as fresh. Good to see ya!

  2. Oh Christy,

    First of all, I would LOVE to read a devotional that you write!!! I’m also looking forward to your next book!! I know you know that we all struggle. I spent years in collage with the condemnation of “early in the morning you are suppose to seek Him”. For the most part, I am NOT a morning person! I can fake it, but it tends to be foggy at times. Sighs! I felt like I was a bad witness to others, but I figured out that wasn’t it at all. My heart was where it should be, my body wouldn’t cooperate. I stopped listening to those who were chastising me. I finally figure out how to put it to someone in a way that they could get it. God said He was walking with Adam and Eve in the cool of the evening. Stop harassing me for not being the child of God you thing I should be, instead of the one He made me to be. 😉 Very freeing.

    Currently, I combat my time management issues with having several short, but really good “devotionals” that come to my inbox. That way I can read at least 3 per day during different times of the day, when I have time! It kinds of sneaks them in. I’m ALWAYS praying it seems though. From the time I get up to when I fall asleep, there is so much to pray over. I wound up in another habit, if I’m up at 4:00am for any reason, I wind up thinking about you and praying over you and yours. Don’t forget that God doesn’t condemn us, He just MISSES us when we are off doing our own busy things.
    I’ll add EXTRA prayer coverage for your book work!

    Hugs and Love,
    Carol 🙂

  3. Thank you for your honesty….I am sure it encouraged others….it is so easy to get out of proper priorities…it reminded me of the story of Martha and Mary,sisters of Lazarus.
    I look forward to another cookbook,but admonish you to put the Lord first and everything else will fall into place. Love and prayers!

  4. LOve all you do and write-haven’t tried a recipe that my family didn’t like!

    who won the cornbread ?

  5. Hi Christy,
    You are such a blessing to me and so many others! I cannot wait to buy your 3rd cookbook. I think that God will bless you with everything you need to publish a devotional. I will buy it and feel so blessed to be able to share it with others. I cannot imagine you not publishing more cookbooks in the future. You are too good of a cookbook author to stop now. I would also appreciate it if you would write a book on starting a blog/website and how to write a cookbook and have it published. Sorry, I know I am asking for a lot from you,but I know that God will help you share your talents with us. We are hungry for more! Thank you for everything you do and for blessing us with your honesty. God Bless you and your family! Diane (Suffolk, VA)

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