Chicken with Sour Cream Gravy – And Encouragement for Young Married Folks


I’m always looking to add more chicken recipes to my arsenal, specifically those using boneless, skinless chicken breasts like this Chicken with Sour Cream Gravy because they are so loved by my family and everyone else’s too, it seems.

This flavorful chicken dish has a delectable sour cream gravy. Smooth and creamy, it’s the ultimate compliment to juicy cooked chicken and even better when you have egg noodles to sop it up.

If you’d like to skip right to the recipe for Chicken with Sour Cream Gravy, now is the time to employ your scrolling skills. If you’re in the mood for visiting, keep reading…

Last week my husband and I marked our 19th wedding anniversary. As proof that he knows me well, my husband offered to either take me out to supper or get takeout from a place of my choosing and bring it home. I chose home – he knew I would. Later that week, Saturday evening to be exact, we went out with some dear friends from our church, photo below.

Chicken with Sour Cream Gravy - And Encouragement for Young Married Folks

All of this got me to thinking about what encouragement I would give young people, or people of any age really, who are thinking about marriage or recently married and since this is the internet, I have a blog, and no one asked, I’m gonna share that encouragement with you today.

But first, a disclaimer for 2017: Personal opinions and personal experience will be shared in the paragraphs below. These opinions and experiences may differ from yours – because they are not yours, they are my own. ~Whoa! Technology!~ Now let’s dive in.

  • The marriage is way better than the wedding.  I know folks like to have big old ceremonies and such and, while that is not for me and I personally think there are better ways to spend the money, I’m really not knocking huge weddings. BUT, as awesome (or in my case, grueling) as you think the wedding is, the marriage is way better. The ceremony is one day in your life. For me that was one really long very hot day in an uncomfortable dress having to be the single focus of a few hundred people (who quickly learned that I was NOT going to dance) and then spend the next few months finding rice in everything. For you, it may be the highlight of your year. Regardless of how you view the wedding, the marriage is a joint commitment to love, support, and encourage each other for the rest of your life – which is WAY better than any single day.
  • People change, married people change together. People change as they grow older. The cool thing about being married is that we get to experience these changes together. Expect your partner to be an entirely different person ten years from now, and another one in twenty. This is even more true during the younger more formative years. Stability comes later in life but its much more fun if you’ve been able to experience the richness and depth of your spouses personality leading up to that point. We all have passions and it is wonderful to be able to share those with someone, especially if it is a passion they would not normally have explored without you. I am currently trying to feign interest in 3-D printing and Ricky is having to deal with my newfound love of making Challah.
  • When bonds are strained, they grow back stronger. Know that there are rough times ahead. You cannot live with someone and like them all of the time. At least some or all of the following are most assuredly ahead of you: babies and colic, sleepless nights, depression, grouchiness, job loss, money anxiety, accidents, and illnesses. These will try your patience and wear on your nerves. But hang in there, go through it together, and on the other side you will find yourself with a far stronger relationship than you ever dreamed possible – and a security that comes from knowing that no matter what- the two of you won’t quit one another. The other side of each trial and phase of life is better than ever and you’ll find that your relationship gets stronger, more secure, and more comfortable as life goes on.

My husband and I got married in the late nineties. We were young, carefree, and fun people looking forward to a promising future. If we would’ve had Facebook back then folks would have looked at our feeds and thought “They have a great life!”. But you know what? Twenty years later, with kids ages 18 and 12, more than full time jobs, wrinkles, and responsibilities galore – we have more fun together than we ever have. We are relaxed, we are secure, we know each other’s sense of humor, likes, dislikes, and we know what to expect from one another. Through the years our lives have melded together to form a single machine that just runs smooth and steady – and that is a direct result of time, trials, experience, and commitment.

So I want to encourage you young married folks or young engaged folks that no matter how awesome life is right now, aging together only makes it sweeter. Kinda like how grape juice turns into wine – except Ricky and I can’t stand the taste of wine and don’t even drink alcohol so that analogy is awkward at best for me to pull off – but you get my point. You’re grape juice now but later you’ll be wine – but you’ll be good wine that tastes like grape juice does to me and Ricky.

So in conclusion: grape juice, then wine, then wine that taste like grape juice. Which, now that I think about it, considering how wine tastes to me, this analogy is exactly what marriage is like in my mind. 🙂 

I’m glad I could confuse encourage you today.

Another assurance of marriage – you’ll have a lot of suppers together :). Add this one for Chicken with Sour Cream Gravy to the list.

Let me show you how…

Chicken with Sour Cream Gravy - And Encouragement for Young Married Folks

To make Chicken with Sour Cream Gravy you’ll need: boneless skinless chicken breasts, butter, chicken broth, sour cream, garlic powder, flour, and salt and pepper to taste. As always, the exact ingredients are at the bottom of this post in a handy, dandy printable recipe card.

Chicken with Sour Cream Gravy - And Encouragement for Young Married Folks

Melt your butter in a skillet over medium to medium high heat. Add your chicken breasts and cook until lightly browned on each side, but not cooked through.

Chicken with Sour Cream Gravy - And Encouragement for Young Married Folks

Add chicken broth to the skillet and reduce heat to low. Simmer for about ten minutes or so, or until chicken is cooked through.

Remove chicken from skillet and set aside. Chicken with Sour Cream Gravy - And Encouragement for Young Married Folks

To that skillet (and broth) add sour cream, garlic powder, salt, and pepper. Stir with a wire whisk until smooth.

Now we need to thicken this a bit. Chicken with Sour Cream Gravy - And Encouragement for Young Married Folks

Remove about 1/2 cup of chicken broth and stir your flour into it until smooth and all the clumps are gone. Pour that back into your skillet and return to low heat. Stir with a wire whisk until gravy is thickened.

Chicken with Sour Cream Gravy - And Encouragement for Young Married Folks

Return chicken breasts to skillet and stir to coat.

At this point you can serve your Chicken with Sour Cream Gravy as they are atop a bed of noodles or cut them in pieces and place them on the noodles.

Either way you go, spoon extra gravy on top!

Chicken with Sour Cream Gravy - And Encouragement for Young Married Folks

This Chicken with Sour Cream Gravy is so good! As comforting as a good marriage nigh on twenty years down the road. 🙂

Chicken with Sour Cream Gravy

If you'd like to skip right to the recipe for Chicken with Sour Cream Gravy, now is the time to employ your scrolling skills. If you're in the mood for visiting, keep reading...
Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook Time: 30 minutes
Total Time: 40 minutes
Course: Main Course
Cuisine: American
Keyword: chicken
Servings: 4
Calories: 317kcal


  • 4 boneless skinless chicken breast halves about 2 lbs
  • 1/4 cup butter
  • 2 cups chicken broth
  • 1 cup full fat sour cream
  • 1/2 teaspoon garlic powder
  • 2 tablespoons flour
  • salt and pepper to taste


  • Melt butter in large skillet over medium heat. Add chicken and cook until very lightly browned on both sides but not cooked through.
  • Add chicken broth to skillet and reduce heat to low, simmer for about ten minutes or until chicken is cooked through. Remove chicken from skillet and place on plate.
  • Leaving chicken broth in skillet, add sour cream, garlic powder, salt, and pepper to skillet. While still cooking on low, stir until sour cream is melted and fully incorporated.
  • Remove about 1/2 cup of liquid and stir flour into it until smooth. Pour back into skillet and stir with a wire whisk until gravy is thickened and smooth again.
  • Add chicken back and turn to coat. Serve chicken and sauce immediately over egg noodles.


Calories: 317kcal
Tried this recipe?Mention @southernplate or tag #southernplate!

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You have to do your own growing no matter how tall your grandfather was.

~Abraham Lincoln

This recipe is part of the Weekend Potluck!

You might also enjoy this recipe! Pesto Chicken and Pasta

Chicken with Sour Cream Gravy Pinterest













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  1. I came here for a sour cream gravy recipe and ended up reading one of the sweetest posts with great advice. You’re probably around 22 years married now, so wishing you and Ricky the happiest of anniversaries ahead!

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