Christy’s Q&A With You

I had a lot of fun this past weekend when I got a wild hair and decided to see if any of our Facebook Family members had questions they’d like me to answer. I then did a series of live videos answering them and posted them all on Facebook. Y’all were so sweet in your responses so I thought I’d post them here as well, in case anyone else was curious!

This ended up being a LOT of fun for me! There are five videos total and I put a summary below each one of what questions I answered.

The one recipe that I’ve never been able to find, my kitchen staples, Poke Sallet, best recipes for cooking with preschool aged children.

Mama answers one of your questions! What is my dream job?

Plans for Southern Plate, suggestions for stocking your pantry, what I have on hand at all times, substituting Splenda.

How I store my dry goods, my favorite coating for fried fish, School lunch ideas, and the story of how I met my husband. 🙂

Advice for cooking for just one, using lard, my preferred shortening, advice on whether it is best to self publish a cookbook or go with a publisher, Would you ever consider doing a cookbook featuring crock pot meals?

Information about how I made my canister set, more on the shortening that I love, and the Southern Plate Basket.

I really had fun doing these videos and getting to chat with y’all! I’m very much a people person (big shocker there) and the interaction here felt like we were visiting with each other. I’d love to do this again so keep your eye on my Facebook page and next time I get a chance I’ll open it up for questions again and post more live video answers!

“Don’t drive into the future with

your eyes in the rear view mirror.”

Submitted by Courtney. Submit your quote by clicking here.

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  1. Great videos. I’ve been looking for Ideal because I’ve heard so much about it, but can’t find any. Looks like Amazon is the place to look. Thanks for the tip.

  2. You are just a doll!! I love the videos and look forward to many more. You do make me feel like you are talking to me and I wish that I was there with you. This is what Facebook is all about-keeping in touch with friends.
    I check amazon frequently, hoping the delivery date for your cookbook has been changed to even sooner. I know that it will be great!

  3. Love the videos….I felt like I was sitting at your kitchen table talking to me…..Keep up the good work!

  4. Thanks, Christy for talking about lard, and teaching me something I didn’t know about Smucker’s. I am a religious buyer of JIF peanut butter, and Smucker’s grape jam for PB&J’s, which is what my kids practically what my kids live off of.

    I used to use shortening in my biscuits, (and I heard my grandmother roll in her grave every time!), but when all the hydrogenated and trans fat stuff came out in the news, I just decided that I’d go back to using good ol’ natural lard. My biscuits are fluffier and bake up crisper on the bottom. I’ve even used it for greasing pans when I’ve been out of oil or shortening.


  5. Comments from the Southern Plate Facebook Page:

    Mary -…love the video answers

    Cilla -great video christy 🙂

    Kathie – Hi Christy, I haven’t commented here before but have to tell you that I love your site. My favorite part (besides all the funny stories) is how you show a picture of all the ingredients for a recipe gathered together first and then photograph each step of the recipe. Do you plan to put this much detail into your cookbook? Thanks so much for being such a caring, sharing lady!

    Barbara- I love this concept of you answering questions! Even though I didn’t post a question I was interested in knowing the answers to those that did! Thank you!

    Karen – Love it Love it Love it…..

    Su – Did you get a new hair style Christy?

    Wanda – What a wonderful Southern Lady you are! I enjoyed these! 🙂

    Bill – Awww.. I feel so important lol. Good job sis.

    Michele – Love your website and recipes… already preordered your book. And the video series compliements your style. 🙂

    Jackie – Christy: It was an honor to have you answer my question!! You just made my Sunday ;D

    Melissa – I would so like to see all of your kitchen stuff. I like seeing what others have and might work for me. Oh please share…please!

    Karen – OMG…it only figures that you would meet your hubby via the internet…The worldwide web has blessed you many times over…

    Karen – I met my husband at a radio station…KCLV in Clovis NM….you know how they do those contest…”Be caller #7 and win a 2 passes to play Fun Putt”…Well I was lucky #7…He was the Disc Jockey that I had won the passes from….and….29 years later….He still rocks my world….LOL…~she says blushing~

    Mary -Guess what Christy?? I met my hubby Don the same way!!!!! Cept I forgot to bake brownies hehee. I got flowers & he got me
    Ellen- OMG…Karen Branscum-I used to live one street over from Fun Putt. My friends & I would jump the fence late at night and bring our own clubs & balls & play, lol CHS class of ’80!

    Susie – I met my hubby online too. 🙂

    Lynn – So did I..and my sis met her fiance online too and so did my cousin, and I am hoping my Dad meets a nice lady online…the last one he dated that he met online was not a very nice person and I am sooo glad she is gone and he’s looking again ♥

    Debbie – lol Damn girl, can you be any more cute and down to earth??? Love your story about meeting your hubby. It had me smiling from ear to ear.

    Nan – I met my hubby in an aol chatroom also 🙂

    Danie – Thanks for sharing how you meet your hubby! I enjoyed it 🙂

    Betty – Hey…..I think I will go to a chatroom….LOL yeah , right!!!!

    Cilla – Great video Christy 🙂

    Brenda – I love your videos and your website. You are adorable!!!

    Leyla – Love these videos!! Thanks for doing them!

    Karen – Nothing better than a nice chat with my Favorite Foodie Friend…on a quiet Sunday afternoon….~she says with a fulfilling smile on her face~ 🙂

    Amanda – LOVE these videos!

    Darlene – I love your videos! It’s like sitting down at your table for a little chat!

    Su -We all say slow cooker here! I had to google that crock pot and slow cooker were the same thing when I first heard the term crock pot.

    Debie – Yep……We do love the videos!!

    Amanda- Christy, You are just to stinkin’ cute! Love your videos! I am so gonna try that with the cannisters! Thanks for the idea!

    Mary-Come baackkkkkkk I miss ya’ll!!! heheeeee You’re just soo cutesy tootsys!
    Did you come back yet?? I see youuuuuuuuuu Looks behind Christy for a bisquit….

    Jill – I love your canisters too! I was lookin’ for an idea for my mom…She is SO tired of tupperware and what she has got!!!! She’d LOVE it! It would certianly fit into her kitchen! Thank you SO MUCH!

    Karen – Love the canister sets….now just get me counters to put them on

    Ann- I have canisters like that, but I bought them in red at Target. Target doesn’t sell them anymore, but Kmart, in my town anyway, sells them in red.

    Harleen – please let us know about the vinyl letters, because that will be awesome to purchase !!

    Debby- I wish I could view these..being on dialup is the pits!

    Karen- Love the Canisters….You are so smart….No really you are…seriously…I mean it…;)….I think I’m going to have to make me some of those…Great Idea…

    LaDonna- Love those canisters & the vinyl letters! Gonna working on making me a set of those! 🙂 I’m from NC & get asked if I’m from Alabama all the time! We definitely have the same accent! lol

    Rhonda- This was so fun Christy…for sure a “do again”!

    Della- I really enjoyed the videos….they were so much fun!! Thank you!

    Sylvia – you are so cute!

    Martha- I loved the videos..where can i get your cookbooks?

    Mary Ann- really enjoyed your vids–it does take us d–yankees a bit to understand you–i guess we can’t listen as fast as you guys can talk. ( brings back memories of an instructer we once had—we really had to listen fast to understand her). keep up the great work.

    Marilyn- Thanks for the Tom’s Peanut Jar reference. My Dad sold Tom’s for nearly 40 years, and my mom and I have about 4 of the jars. It had not dawned on me to use them for canisters. Thanks for sharing your ideas.

    Nel- really enjoyed that – you are such a hoot! keep up the good work

    Julie- Thanks so much for taking the time to answer our questions, and how cool to see you actually answer them! 🙂

    Betty- Sweet Videos by a Sweet Gal.

    Wanda-Loved the videos. You do a great job!

    Cilla- Great video christy, i love your canisters so pretty

    Judy- Love the videos Christy. We really get to “see” your bubbly personality that we’ve come to know and love. ♥

    Sue- Great video, great canisters and great presenter too.

    Debie- Oh Christy, I just love your accent! I bet everyone would love the be your neighbor.

    Su- Wow, I have NEVER seen tea bags so big. Oh you would die living over here Christy. lol You’ll be stuck with those teeny tiny tea bags.

    Sheri- Thanks Christy for telling us about your cannisters which I love! I would buy those labels from your father in law….might be a great business venture for yall. Please start selling them…going to Target today to look for those cannisters! I really love your are soo nice..wish you were my neighbor!:)

    Jennifer- where can I order the sp basket?!

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