Friday Gazette Goodies, Quotes, Inspiration, and More!
Good morning friends! Welcome to another gazette. I’ve got some great goodies, encouraging stories, giveaways, and more!
Click here to see all of my quote graphics and follow me on Instagram to see them first. You are welcome to download and share them!
Encouraging One Another!
This week on Southern Plate
This was a week of sharing goodies galore! I’ll list links to each recipe clockwise from top left:
- Cafeteria Peanut Butter Slice Candy
- Tiger Butter Fudge
- World’s Best Chewy Sugar cookies
- Tie Dye Cheesecake Brownies
- Cream Cheese Mints
- Chocolate Chip Potato Chip Cookies
- Sweet and Crunchy Chex Mix
- Cream Cheese Divinity
Eating Low Carb? Click here for a low carb cookie recipe!
This Week’s Coffee Chat
You know how friends find something they love and they can’t wait to tell their other friends because they might love it, too?
Well, today I’ve gathered a collection of those things to me and I’m excited to share them with you. The neat thing is that most of my favorite things are under $20! All together, the prices range from super cheap and ridiculously practical to just one over the top spend that the whole family will love. I hope you find one or two things that you love, as well! Click Here to see them all
Recipes from Friends
This week I’m sharing two delicious recipe from friends!
Hot Cranberry Punch from These Old Cookbooks & Chocolate Pecan Sandies Secret Kiss Cookies from Call Me PMC
From My Instagram
View this post on Instagram
Last Week’s $25 Amazon Gift Card winner was Dawn Miears
I choose a new winner each week to receive a $25 Amazon gift card. Winners of Amazon Gift Cards so far: Dawn Miears, Joan Osborne, Jane B., Connie Lee, Mary Edwards, Sabrina Mike, Kim Warren, Cyndie McKee, Julie Martin, Tracey Price, Cindy Seago, Barbara Hall, Vickie Riddle, Angie McCrary, Jo Mooneyhan, Kim Graves, and Wanda T.
Dec 13th winner is Peggy, partial email address “lily”.
To enter my gift card giveaway, simply leave a comment on this post!Our final Bible winner was Danielle Boyd. All of the folks who won Bibles are: Danielle Boyd, Joey Bray, Diane Gregory, Tanya Everhart, and Sharon D.
So proud of Katy! Christy, you are doing an amazing job raising her and I am sure her priorities will be in the right order from all the wisdom and training you and Ricky are giving her. It has been such fun watching your two grow up!
Congrats to all the winners.
This morning has been such a blessing as I’ve spent it with you Christy. Your website is filled with so many good things that fill the soul, encourage, & most importantly lead us into a closer walk with our Creator YHWH. Thank you for sharing your delicious recipes & for being such a real & transparent role model for women in every season of life! I met you & your sweet daughter recently at our local Hobby Lobby. You were so gracious & warm & genuine. ❤️ I am so blessed to be in your study!!
Awe…thank you for sharing your shopping trip story with us! It’s a wonderful reminder of the ordinary things in life that we need to take pause and observe because these moments are so fleeting.
Congrats to all the Bible winners. I know they’ll enjoy them. As always a fun filled Gazette.
Lovely shopping story!
Will it work to use a confectioners sugar substitute (Swerve) to make the Cream Cheese Mints? I’d like to make them for family members who are on Keto.
Thanks for all you do, and Merry Christmas!
Christy, I actually use my air fryer for perfect everytime hard boiled eggs. I put about 6 to 8 eggs in the air fryer at 250° for 17 mins. Once the timer goes off I take the basket out and run cold water over them and peel. Perfect eggs everytime with NO darkness around the yolks. I found they also have a creaminess taste and great for everything. This may seem like a long time to some folks but it is so easy and hands free while you do other things. It’s so easy this way that I actually have hard boiled eggs more frequently. I don’t use a Foodi I actually have a cheaper version. I love it for so many things.
AAAAWWWWW my fav thing today way the shopping with (without) Katy. I just cried and cried. I love you. I’m so glad you are getting to enjoy your time with your family. You are one of the best Mamas I know. Ma
Such sweet stories! Love all your recipes. They always turn out just right.
Enjoying you, your love for Lord makes my heart joyous. Thank you for sharing.
Thank you Gloria, I am so grateful to have you here!
Thanks for sharing our recipe.
God has blessed my life by sending you my way. I’m not commenting to win anything. If we never meet, I will see you in Glloryland!!
Enjoy reading your Gazette, so much good stuff!!!
Your Gazette, recipes and fun quotations are just three of the happy things that I enjoy reading. Thanks so much for all the time you put into the content for your readers!
Thank you so much Linda, that just made my day!
Thank you for sharing all the recipes every week and for praising our Lord.
Hi Christy!
I’ve been a reader of your site for years and have your cookbooks, too!
I was just thinking how I love your writing style and your strong faith in our Lord. So, I am wondering: Have you ever considered writing a book about faith, family, food, and everyday happenings? I know I would buy it. Thanks for the giveaway and the chance to win. God bless!
We love all your recipes. The quotes are just the best.
Congrats winners
I cook with your amazing recipes all the time! My neighbor gave me one of your signed books as a gift a few years ago when you came to Memphis.
Oh my goodness, thank you so much Deana!!! I am so glad you are enjoying the recipes and I appreciate you giving them a try!