Dehydrating to Save Money & Freezer Space

To see the Excalibur dehydrator I currently use, click here.  For a complete collection of dehydrators offered by Amazon, click here.

In this video I’ll show you how to use a dehydrator to preserve frozen mixed vegetables for long period of time without taking up precious freezer space! At the end of the video, I also show you what the dehydrated vegetables look like once you reconstitute them and how easy that is to do!

I typed up the captioning for this video myself in order to make it closed captioned so be sure and click the little button in the bottom right if you’d like to “read” the video. For the record, in a ten minute time span, I spoke over 1879 words 🙂

Here is a link to my dehydrator since many of you have asked.

My family has really cut out tv a lot lately, almost down to nothing at all. In it’s place, we find interesting channels to subscribe to on Youtube! There is a lot of great educational and enriching material out there (not to mention cute cat videos), and it’s free! Be sure to subscribe to my Youtube channel by clicking here.  If you have young ones, check out my story time videos! 

To see the Excalibur dehydrator I currently use, click here.  For a complete collection of dehydrators offered by Amazon, click here.

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  1. I love that Katy Rose was in the background laughing and playing outside like we used to do as kids!

  2. Have dehydrated both fresh and frozen veggies and have found that frozen take much less time to dehydrate.

  3. This is a wonderful idea. What a great way to preserve food that might otherwise spoil if not used. Thank you so much for sharing this. I like to have food on hand that does not take up a lot of space! You are great!!

    Thanks for always being a blessing in all that you do. You are a real inspiration in so many ways.


  4. What a smart idea! Why didn’t I think of it? (Smacking forehead V8 style) I’ve definitely going to save up a get me a dehydrator; I’ve heard with them you really get what you pay for. And by the way, girl, I really appreciate YOU!! So many times you’ve brightened my day. And I LOVE how your posts often take me back to childhood memories. Your readers can tell that your heart is in this blog, your books & your magazine articles. And I appreciate how you lovingly share faith. In these days, maybe more than ever, people need hope! And the ultimate hope comes from only one source! Christie there aint no telling how many people may have found a relationship with our heavenly Father because of you! I believe this is your calling; your ministry!

  5. What a wonderful idea. I’ve used the dehydrator for herbs from my garden but I never thought about frozen vegetables. What is the shelf life of the vegetables once there are canned?

  6. Love this!! Just got a Nesco dehydrator on a “yard sale” site on FB I belong to for $20. Look around on sale sites in your area and maybe you can find one cheap like I did!!

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