Lifesavers: What I want for you
I want you to feel encouraged
I want you to know that you’re not alone
I want you to know that you are so much stronger than you think you are,
and I want you to stop trying to convince yourself that you’re not
I want you to know you are loved so dearly, more than you could ever possibly fathom
and I want you to know that you can do it
and that I believe in you
I believe in you
and I want you to believe in yourself
and I want you to know that it’s okay to feel weak
because your strength is not what is going to get you out of here
You have the strength of God almighty behind you
You need only ask.
I want you to know that God loves you, and no matter how hard you try you can’t convince Him that you’re not worth loving.And no matter how hard you try you can’t earn his love – or lose his love.
and I want you to know that He doesn’t love you because of what you have or haven’t done.
He loves you because you’re his baby.
Well,you made me cry! Thanks for the reminder.I am so glad you are my friend,if only on the web!
Thank you!
I needed this! Been needing it for a while now..thank you!
Thank you so very much Christy. Very well said, and very much needed… least for me. God Bless!
Christy, I guess I missed this post, maybe I needed to wait till today to read it though. See, my Mom (84) is getting worse with her mental capacity. She has been through so many surgeries, breast cancer and heart condition, but she has always maintained a sweet loving personality. Her brain is calcifying now from having electrical shock treatments in the early 60’s. She uses every opportunity to let me know that my late brother was so much better than I am or ever could be. She says to me often that I should have gotten the cancer and died instead of him. My friends have heard her lash out for no apparent reason. She has moments of her normal self, sweet, loving, laughing and trying to sing again. She does not have dementia or Alzheimer the doctors say that this could keep getting worse or it could even out. Meanwhile I am the brunt of her bad days. So thank you, through all your pain, discomfort and I know frustration at not being able to do your normal daily routines you have taken the time to touch my heart to give me words that I can hold in my heart to make it through yet another day.
Take care sweet lady, I am proud to know you even if it’s only through your blog, I treasure your book and the bookplate that you signed for me. I actually have 2 books, one that I use in the kitchen and one in my bookcase brand new and shiny! LOL
Hugs, Loves and always in my prayers xoxoxo (share those with the family)
Marianne, I am putting you on my prayer list. It is so horrible to have someone you love say hateful things to you. Remember that this is her disease talking. The very fact that you care about and pray for other people speaks volumes about the kind of person you are. Remember what Christy says
God loves you cause you’re His baby. He is all we need to come alongside and strengthen us. May our Heavenly Father bless you and keep you strong. Remember that other people are caring about and praying for you. xoxoj
Christy, you are a great inspiration to me. Thank you for taking the time to post this special encouragement. It spoke DIRECTLY to MY heart. Keep getting better, sug! xoxo
Thank you