Do You Like Cornbread with Buttermilk?

How many of you remember crumbling up cornbread into a glass of sweet milk and eating it with a spoon after supper?

This was a special treat we ALWAYS did when spending the night with my grandparents, only they used buttermilk.

If you ever find yourself wondering why folks call whole milk “sweet milk” just pour yourself up a big old glass of buttermilk! After a sip or two of that, it will make perfect sense!

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  1. Thanks for answering my question. WOW you have some wonderful recipes here I’ll snag you url and add it to my list.

    I’ve never tried that cornbread and milk thing.

  2. billgent ~ Where in the Dallas area do you live??? I am in little ole Mesquite. About 16 miles east of Dallas. Guess you will be getting the bad weather as well. stay dry.

  3. Daddy does the sweet milk and cornbread bit when I make cornbread for him. I’ve eaten it a time or two myself. I love to cook with buttermilk but you’d have to hold a gun to my head to get me to drink it straight.

    I have the cola chicken in the crock pot now. Doing temp work this week for my church so the crock pot recipes have come in handy.

    I live fairly close to MommysKitchen since she’s in Dallas so I’ll be sure to wave to her as I’m doing a Dorothy Gail over her place.

    I will try to avoid landing the house on anyone’s sister.. I HATE flying monkeys.

  4. Nope, never and it doesn’t sound very good to me either. 🙂

    When I think of cornbread, I pocture it hot with butter to go with your soup, beans or chili.

  5. Debra, you have me still laughing! I thought of something we could do, but only if we were sure sure sure everyone had a good sense of humor! We could band together and go on and on about how delicious buttermilk is and how you have to drink it in HUGE gulps to get the real flavor..

    UGH, the thought makes me shiver! My grandmother LOVES it. Then again, I guess if you lived back then when candy wasn’t readily available and such.. you know how kids love sour candy nowadays? I can see how buttermilk would be a treat to kids back in the day.

    Still, I’m not a kid back in the day!

  6. joan, I second NOT trying it unless you are used to buttermilk. try it with milk first. Buttermilk is… an acquired taste! LOL

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