Fried Apples (Made from applesauce!)

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Do you love to order fried apples at restaurants? I love them just about any way I can get them (click here for my fried apples recipe) but recently I had this fun idea…Okay so I get a lot of fun ideas and it’s probably for the best that I immediately dismiss most of them but this one was too good to pass up.

What if you got store bought applesauce and seasoned it to taste like fried apples?

All the flavor of fried apples made entirely out of ingredients you can keep on hand that won’t go bad like fresh apples do, and no peeling, coring, or chopping!

I spent an afternoon playing in the kitchen and my husband (who does not like applesauce) took one bite and ate a whole bowl. He kept saying “Oh man! This does taste like fried apples!”. Oh ye of little faith – I told him that was what it tasted like!

Fried apples are usually served as a side dish but some folks save them to eat last as a dessert. I’m showing them here with breakfast, which we had for supper one night (I love breakfast for supper!) but they are also great served with pork chops, chicken, steak, etc.

Here is my simple recipe, full of spices and flavorings of fried apples without the fuss or time involved. It’s just a matter of mixing it all together and letting it simmer, so with very little work you can have a deliciously spiced side in no time at all. And nope, it’s not the same thing as apple butter – but if you want my apple butter recipe click here 🙂

I’m loaded for bear today! Let’s get to cooking!

You’ll need: unsweetened applesauce*, Ginger, Cinnamon, Allspice, Cloves, butter, and dark brown sugar.

*You can use sweetened applesauce if that is what you have but you’ll need to taste it a few times to get the sweetness right. I’d start by not adding sugar and then tasting it after cooking a few minutes. I prefer to get unsweetened so I can add that brown sugar flavor to it and sweeten according to my taste.

Place everything in a large skillet and put over medium heat, stirring well to combine.

Continue stirring as the butter melts and the brown sugar breaks up. 

Once mixture begins to bubble, reduce temperature to low.

At this point, carefully taste and add 1/4 cup more brown sugar, if desired.

Stir occasionally, about ten minutes, or until thickened.

I’m serving mine this time with bacon, fried eggs (cooked in bacon grease, YUM), and biscuits.

What are we drinking? Tea, of course! The table wine of the South!

This Fried Apple Applesauce keeps well in the refrigerator and is good hot or cold.


“If you don’t like something, change it.

If you can’t change it, change your attitude.

Don’t complain.”

-Maya Angelou

Submitted by Lauren. Thank you so much, Lauren! I love this one!

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  1. (Becca, you have my curiosity up and I wondered what quantities you used of red hots and applesauce? Sounds great!) And Christy, I’m also a big fan of fried apples, so your new easy creation is on my to-do list as well! Many thanks!

  2. This sounds delicious! It’s definitely on my “to do” list! I was wondering how this might work as a shortcut to use as the filling for fried apple pies??? Do you think it’ll be too runny?

  3. Last month I spent a week in the hospital, and who knew you could find great recipes there? LOL The first day I was there I had this great cinnamon applesauce, and the next day when the nutritionist came around I mentioned how much I loved it. She said all you have to do is put some red hots in applesauce, put it in the fridge overnight, next day stir it up and the red hots are all dissolved and it is yummy! I tried it after I got home and it really is easy, and delicious.

    1. When I lived in Michigan, our church had pot-luck meals often. One of my friends would make applesauce with red hots and let it set in fridge overnight. It was always a hit. It was so good. I’m sure I’d love this fried apple shortcut, Christy. I plan on making it this week. Tonight I made your shortcut potatoe salad. Not only was it very good, it was so quick! Thank you so very much for all the wonderful recipes and other ideas and websites you pass on to us. Oh yes, last week I made my first batch of laundry soap. It works great and I’m saving money. Love you girl!!!

  4. I used non sweetened apple sauce to make my apple butter. It’s so much easier and faster. I keep myself and all 3 of my children’s family stocked with it. I’ve taught all 3 of my sons how to make it so it won’t be a lost art in the future.

  5. Sounds Yummo, Christy!
    Wanted to tell you also that your recipe has ‘typos’. In the directions it starts with 0 instead of 1 and says “Pace” instead of Place. Although I had no trouble reading the recipe, Ya know how people are about perfection..hahahaha.

  6. Whenever we go to Cracker Barrel, which is my daughters favorite place to eat, I always get fried apples as one of my sides and we all split it for dessert. Usually we only have room left for a bite so its perfect 🙂 Will have to try making this, I think my family will love it. Thanks again Christy for such a yummy recipe.

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