Giraffes Can’t Dance (story time!)

Giraffes Can’t Dance

Click below to watch more of my favorite stories!

Story Time Videos Southern Plate

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  1. I love pandas and they are a big thing at the SD Zoo 🙂 The last time I was there was for a ceglole class – I had to watch the gorillas for 8 hours and write down everything they did…and it was raining. Not much fun lol! I need to go back though.can’t wait to read the next recap 🙂

  2. What a special story! Thank you for reading and posting it. I will share it with my little friends!

  3. Christy,

    I LOVED your reading of Giraffes Can’t Dance. It was wonderful. (Don’t know how I missed it when you first put it on the site.) So glad you liked the book enough to share it! It’s definitely one of those books you want to pass on. Hope your kids like it, too! You’re definitely a great example of “dancing to your own music” and making it work for you…what a great example you’re setting for kids–and for ALL of us! Keep looking at the moon and dancing to your special tune.

  4. My 4 year old daughter got to spend a couple hours with me at work this afternoon. I remembered your stories and thought it would be a perfect time to show her a couple. We’ve watched several and she LOVES them. She just asked if I knew how to pause it because she needs to use the restroom and didn’t want to miss any. I thought that was sweet. Thanks for all you do!

  5. My 4 year old Megan says “that was a great story! Thank you for telling it to me!”

    Thanks Christy, my kids and I love your site!

  6. Christy, I just now had a chance to listen to Giraffes Don’t Dance and I have to get the book for one of my special friends. You helped her decorate cupcakes last year and she came to mind as soon as you read the story. But I want her to listen to you read it on my computer before she reads it because what you say after it will make it even more important to her. Thanks for ALL the wonderful things you do for SO many of us.

  7. My 4 year old twin daughters enjoyed this so much! What a great story, we will have to go for it at the library. What a sweet thing to do for your little fans, thank you 🙂

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