Happy Day After Christmas – Our Family Video for [year]
Video features “Happy Day After Christmas” by Matthew West from his Heart Of Christmas album.
I hope you had a wonderful Christmas surrounded by family and friends (and some good food, too!). This video contains some photos of my Christmas dinner as well as video and photos of our family throughout the year. The song is so fitting, too. I hope you’ll enjoy the message and video as much as we do.
I’m looking forward to another year with my wonderful Southern Plate family! The next few months I’ll be finishing up my second book, which will be released in 2013. As I focus on that, I’ll still be posting on SouthernPlate.com and sending out emails, but for the most Southern Plate be sure you join us on Facebook, where I like to hang out in between writing and cooking 🙂
Have a wonderful day and a Merry Rest Of The YEAR!
P.S. Click here to see another one of our past Christmas videos if you’d like 🙂
Beautiful and loving family video!
I really enjoyed your video after Christmas. I would like to say that I did get one of my Christmas wishes, your cookbook. My son bought it for me, surprised that it came from my son, considering i thought my daughter would buy it for me.
So it makes it more special because he took time out to purchase or and he told me that is one receipe (drink recipe with apple juice) he wants to try. Of course he did say he might add a little something to it.:):)
Happy New Year,
Barbara W
Wow! Awesome job and how much fun to look back over the year at memories you made as a family. The song was perfect and the message so good! It IS so important to remember that the “light of the world” is the REAL gift at Christmas….not all of the material things we all give and receive. Thanks for sharing and for blessing so many people each and every day! God is using you in mighty ways! I saw your cute daughter at school the other day and again at the precious program our kiddos put on a few weeks ago. Hope to meet you one day! May your 2012 be filled with many blessings!
Not only a beautiful family video, but a Christian testimony as well. Great job-your love of God is as evident as your love of family.
Christy, Thank you for sharing your sweet family,wonderful recipes,stories,and yourself! I am so happy to have found Southern Plate this year! Reading your posts always makes me smile & sometimes makes me teary. (That’s a good thing they are heart felt!)
I loved this video so much…your family is just so precious! I espcecially loved the grandma’s playing the instruments and dancing! 😀
Happy New Year and thanks for everything! XXOO
What a wonderful video/photo log of your family. I absolutely loved the music and it was so fitting for your presentation.
Great job Christy !!!
Wish I had half your talent !
Have a wonderful and blessed 2012.