Help Get Our Book To The NY Times Bestseller List
It has been a whirlwind week at my house but anyone visiting would hardly notice. Each morning has been us getting ready and everyone going off to school or work, each afternoon is filled with homework and after school snacks, and then watching our newly arrived tadpoles and speculating on when they’ll turn into frogs.
I usually work about ten hours a day on Southern Plate but I try to stick that in when the kids are at school or after they’ve gone to bed. This week has just been a little more frantic in it’s pace with all of the extra work getting ready to go on the road. A few folks have speculated on how my life must have changed by now but as I try to get the clothes out of the dryer before wrinkles have time to set in, I just have to chuckle at that. I’m the same person I’ve always been, I just have a lot more folks whom I claim as family now. 🙂
I want to thank you as sincerely as I can for being the best part of for me and for all of your support with the book. We’ve done really well on sales the first week and the reviews are just so heartfelt and kind that I’m at a loss as to how to thank you for those. This week we stand a real chance of making the New York Times Bestseller list, whoda thunk it?
I’m not pinning my hopes on that, but I am pinning my hopes on being able to be a positive influence in the lives of others and I truly think that is what you and I are doing with Southern Plate. With so many stores selling out of the book. I am starting to feel like we are the “Little Book That Could” and again, I thank you so very much for giving me the ability to lend a voice to the things we all believe in and cherish.
If we do make the Bestsellers list next week, it will be entirely thanks to you and your efforts. Don’t get me wrong, I’m grateful and thankful for all of this either way. My life is blessed and I count you as a big part of that. I’m not sure where this book is meant to go but I can tell you that two years ago when I started a little blog, I never in my wildest dreams thought I’d be where I am today so I’m just gonna ride this out and see where it takes us.
If you’d like for us to make it to the Bestseller list, here is what we need to do:
1. The list will count sales made through Tuesday so if you purchase a book by then it will help us reach the goal.
2. If you are planning on attending a booksigning, please contact that shop and go ahead and pick up your copy of the book. This will allow the sales to count towards our goal of Bestseller and will also ensure that the bookstore has enough copies for everyone the day of the signing (I don’t think folks realized how this was going to sell – I know I didn’t!)
3. If you can’t find the book in a store near you, you can place your order online anytime between now and Tuesday and it will count. A lot of online retailers are offering great discounts on the book.
4. This is the most important one of all: Please tell your friends about our Southern Plate Family and the book. Word of mouth is the absolute most important factor and family telling family has been the one thing that has made Southern Plate what it is today.
5. Share this post on your Facebook or Twitter account.
6. Know that I love you all and regardless of where this book goes, I will always be grateful to you for giving me a chance to write it!
I want to thank everyone who has left a review for the book online. With each one I read I have to resign myself to wear waterproof makeup for the rest of my days! I am placing a few of them below. There are around fifty on right now and all five star and heartfelt. For once in my life, words fail me.
Thank you.
By | Rhonda Bridges |
Reading Christy Jordan’s new book is just like sitting down and talking to a close friend or family member. The recipes are wonderful (very similar to what I grew up eating) but it’s her stories that make this book come to life. She reminded me of how proud I am to be from the South. In the hustle and bustle of today: working, raising a child (& a husband!) it is SO easy to forget your past. And Christy is kind enough to remind us to slow down, take a breath, and appreciate what we have. I have never cried while reading a cookbook, but her story about her granddaddy is so similar to mine (and many others I am sure) that it just brought tears to my eyes. Oh, and did I mention the recipes are wonderful? If you are not southern (bless your heart!) now you can be! Just cook from this book! I have never met Christy, but I sure do feel like I have. And it’s SO nice to have a new friend.
By | Janet Schrock |
You can cook with any cookbook, but with this one you feel like you are cooking with a friend in the kitchen with you. You can feel the love that the author put into this. If you haven’t bought this yet, you need to run to order this, you will NOT be disappointed. There are other “bloggers” out there with cookbooks, but Ms. Jordan beats them all hands-down. The next thing she needs is her own cooking show on FoodTV.
By | Judy DeLacy |
I’m a Northerner who relocated to the west coast. =) I enjoy Southern food and love the recipes in this cookbook because of their simplicity and great taste. I have always enjoyed cooking, but would sometimes not make a certain dish because the recipe called for too many ingredients as well as spices I’ll hardly ever use again. I like to prepare good, wholesome food, that doesn’t break-the-bank to prepare. That’s exactly what I found in Southern Plate. Christy’s stories are so heartwarming and full of love. When you’re done reading about her family, you feel like you’ve known them all your life and can’t wait to sit down and share a meal. I’ve ordered a few copies of this book and can’t wait to give them to friends/family. I know this book with be a “go to” book for many years to come. Kudos to Christy for a job well done.
By | B H “bargain hunter” |
If you have sworn off buying another cookbook(like I had) or just don’t think you need another one, let THIS one be the last you own! This cookbook is unique: the recipes are easy, quick, and practical. You will find yourself saying over and over again, “Oh, I’ve always wanted a recipe for that!” Christy also adds a cupful of her good humor, kindness, and creative writing skills to her cookbook. It’s not “just” a recipe book: its a book that really will make you feel like family.
This is the one cookbook that i can honestly say I will use and re-use for years to come. I have made a lot of the authors recipes from her blog and never once had a flop. I bought the book knowing the recipes would be as good if not better then what she has already given out. I am not disappointed :~)
By | Christine Davis “Christine” |
Great job Christy, this is one happy feel good book. It’s not just a cookbook! This is the type of book that makes a person happy just opening it. Your stories are uplifting,and the recipes are for everyone. Even if you don’t like cooking…..BUY THE BOOK…there is something in it for everyone! Bless you!
By | Marilyn Carroll |
Just plain, simple and easy great recipes. Nothing fancy, expensive and hard to find ingredients. Down home recipes from the heart of a beautiful hometown girl. I hope this is just the beginning for Christy Jordan, may she write more cookbooks from the heart.
Strawberry Pretzel Salad, Chocolate Gravy, Seven Layer Salad and Banana Pudding…these are a few of my favorite Southern dishes. Unfortunately, I’m not one of those Southerners born with the cooking gene–you know, that inherent ability to whip up a dish from scratch (and from memory). Therefore, I also did not inherit the family recipes (those went to my sister, the cook). So when I get the urge to cook, I have to look up a recipe on the internet. But I never seem to find the authentic Southern version that I remember and want to re-create.
I think that Christy Jordan’s Southern Plate cookbook has solved my problems. She offers simple, straightforward recipes for all the dishes I’ve thoroughly enjoyed at family gatherings, backyard get-togethers, church picnics and potlucks. All of my favorites, all in one super-cute and extremely readable book. I ordered the book to support a fellow University of North Alabama graduate, not knowing exactly what I’d find inside. What a wonderful surprise! Recipes with two, three or four ingredients (yay!), easy mixes to give as gifts (this section was an added bonus), and lots of alternatives and suggestions for reducing the fat or sugar in the dishes.
I can’t wait to cook something this week! Thanks, Christy…and congratulations on a job well done!
By | Janice R. Smith |
I just opened my recipe book about an hour ago and have been immersed in the stories and recipes, which are so much like what I knew growing up. I didn’t realize that I had preordered two different times so I got two copies. But that’s great; my daughter’s birthday is Saturday and guess what I’m giving her? Her own copy of Christy’s cookbook!! I have already tried some of her recipes from her web site and can’t wait to try even more of them. Her stories inspire and her recipes are very easy and very good.
By | H. Doe “androsmoon” |
I have followed Christy’s blog for a long time. I found her site when I was searching for a recipe for sweet tea, which I’d never made. Her recipe was SO easy, and tastes incredible! That same day, I made her strawberry pie, which was as easy as, well, pie. Christy can’t be topped. Her recipes are ideal for “regular” cooks like me, who are cooking for families on a budget, trying to satisfy picky eaters, and trying to make great food around time constraints.
Christy has a way of explaining things that make it SO easy to follow her recipes. I am a pretty good cook, and I enjoy trying new recipes with varying levels of difficulty. Some cookbooks just don’t guide you through some of the more challenging steps or the directions are unclear, and I waste time standing there trying to interpret what they mean. But reading and preparing Christy’s recipes is like having a good friend standing by you, guiding you through and cheering you on as you go.
I will also be getting a copy for my daughter, as she’s just “out of the nest” and learning to cook on her own. Since I can’t be there myself to help her cook, I’m going to send Christy’s book as my “proxy”, and that’s the next best thing to being there!
Thank you, Christy, for helping me feed my family good food that they like easily, quickly, inexpensively, and with love!
By | S. Berrier |
I’ve been a huge fan of Christy and for a while now. I’ve never been what I’d consider a good cook. I still get teased for setting my parents’ kitchen on fire when I was a teenager. Thanks to Christy though I’ve not only blossomed in the kitchen, I’ve achieved “oh my gosh this is better than Mam Mom’s status (which is quite a lofty honor I assure you). I’ve got a whole shelf full of cookbooks but I assure you – I might as well give those away – Southern Plate is my one stop go to. You won’t find a cook book with better tasting recipes that are still easy to make and don’t have ridiculous ingredients lists. Added bonus – Christy has an amazing story for all of her recipes and really embodies the true spirit of what cooking is about – the love for your family. LOVE love this book. Don’t just buy one – go ahead and buy several for the ones you love, because believe me – once you cook from this book they’re all going to want these recipes anyway!!
By | Douglas Griffin |
Some weeks back my better half mentioned Christy’s new book and I made a mental note of it and secretly pre-ordered it for her birthday on October 18th. After I ordered it she was constantly talking about it and when it finally became available in stores I was so sure that she was going to rush out and buy it, I had to tell her I had already ordered it.
Well, yesterday it arrived in a box from Amazon and my wife (Chris) saw the box and was so excited I had to let her open it early.
That’s about the last I’ve seen of her. She sits across the room with her face buried in the book and occasionally reads a recipe to me and tells me how delicious it looks. She came in from work today and had the book in her bag and took it out and her face immediately disappeared into the book again. I’ve considered putting out an Amber Alert! Meanwhile I was left on my own to cook whatever I could manage. So, I’m sitting here eating a cheeseburger while my wife is describing these wonderful dishes!
Christy Jordan: I don’t know whether to thank you or sue you! But you did make my wife very happy and when Mama’s happy… well, you know the rest!
By | Carol M. Goss “queennana” |
Have your kitchen well stocked with staples before reading this book! You’ll want to run to the kitchen and cook these delicious dishes. The food is simple yet flavorful. There are no ingredients that have to be ordered or bought at specialty stores. Everything is readily available at your local store.
As a cookbook collector I have books from all areas of the U.S. Being a southern girl, born and bred,(thank God) southern cookbooks are my favorites. Southern Plate tops my list! The stories included with the recipes are heartwarming. The photography is beautiful. From sweet potato casserole to collard greens, from chocolate gravy to chicken and dumplins, this book features them all. It also includes giftable dishes for the holidays.
Clearly Christy Jordan was raised by southern women who cooked like my grandmother did. The recipes that I wish I’d asked my granny to write down are right here in this book! As my granny would have said, “this is so good it’ll make a rabbit spit in a bulldogs face”. Thank you Christy Jordan for putting all these delicious recipes in a beautiful easy to read format.
If you like Paula Deen’s recipes with maybe a little less butter, you’ll love Southern Plate!
By | Susan |
Christy has outdone herself. I love her blog… and knew the cookbook would be just as good. This cookbook is great….with recipes just like grandma and mama used to make. You will fall in love with Christy and her recipes. The stories she shares make for a great reading experience and will certainly stir up memories of your own.
My copy came today and I sat down and read it cover to cover. Can’t wait to try the recipes. Also can’t wait to meet Christy when she comes to Atlanta for her book signing.
By | Laila |
Comfort food for the heart and soul. My family and friends have enjoyed the recipes I have made from Christy’s cookbook. From the heart warming stories behind the recipes, non-intimating ingredients, to the helpful step by step directions I have enjoyed making these Southern classics. You will love this cookbook! Most importantly, your family will too! 100% satisfied!
At last I found a cookbook with the recipes that are similar to my Mom’s and aunt’s cooking.
I never had them write their recipes down, but now I have a cookbook that gives everything
I need for my southern cooking fix! (I married a Yankee- yikes!)
The stories are wonderful and pictures beautiful. I’ll be using this cookbook
very often! Thank you Christy! I’m glad I found ya! 😀
By | Sacramento Book Review “Sacramento Book Review” |
Sometimes, all we need is a little comfort food. That’s precisely what Christy Jordan is serving up in //Southern Plate,// inspired by her website of the same name. Growing up in Alabama, Jordan comes from a long line of Southern cooks, and this book is full of the recipes she and her relatives have always cooked for their families. The recipes are divided seasonally: summer recipes perfect for family potlucks are all grouped together, and holiday specialties are, too. There are main dishes (Sour Cream Hash Brown Casserole), side dishes (Ms. Millie’s Best Coleslaw), breads for every occasion (Terri’s Dixie Cornbread), and more dessert ideas than one can shake a stick at (Chocolate Cobbler). Most are easy to make, and a good number are specifically designed to be prepared in advance, with big family meals and large gatherings in mind. Most are entirely from scratch, but also appreciated are the recipes that utilize convenience foods like cake mixes or refrigerated pie crust.
This cookbook is sweetened by the mini-essays sprinkled throughout, which give readers a glimpse into Jordan’s past and into the heart of Southern culture. The soul of //Southern Plate// is truly irresistible.
Reviewed by Holly Scudero
It’s just like her blog although portable and convenient. The recipes are right there. The photography is beautiful. AND, there are even MORE recipes and stories to enjoy. I’m so happy with this. 🙂 Christy is just so positive and like a ray of sunshine. I think everyone could learn a bit from her in times like these. I know I do! 🙂
By | vthokiefan “vthokiefan” |
I just got my digital copy of the book. I am in love with Christy. The recipes remind me so much of my Granny. She instilled in me my love of cooking. I have loved reading Christy’s stories. I think we could be sisters. I tried her beef stew last night and it was delicious. Can’t wait to try other recipes in the book. This is a true “Southern” book. I am excited to be a part of the SP family. PS – I now own a hard copy of the book too.
By | HH Nutritionals |
Christy Jordan has been my favorite celebrity chef ever since stumbling across her website 2 years ago. Her simple approach to cooking and the love that has gone into each recipe is what makes Southern Plate a must have for every kitchen. In preserving our Southern heritage, this is the cookbook that we will be handing down to our children. Christy, thank you for sharing your heart! You’ll always be my favorite! ~ Hop Hopkins
To read the rest of the reviews, please click here.
I feel like a little bird with a big song!
~Jerry Van Amerongen. Submit your quote by clicking here.
I preordered mine from Amazon but still waiting for it. It has a long way to come!
I just ordered my copy from Amazon 🙂 Going to Twitter right now to help spread the word.
tweeted darlin! and will for ya everyday! See ya on the 14th in Jackson!
No goats tho- store won;t allow them!
Ordered 2 from Amazon.
My husband wanted to know why I only ordered one book. Since I’m known to be messy in the vicinity of cookbooks, he said I needed one to use and one to keep. I do believe in 27 years of marriage that is the first time he’s ever mentioned I need to buy a book. He’s mentioned therapy to get over my book-buying habits a few times, but surely he was kidding. But now, I must get another cookbook, and one for my mom, and an aunt, and don’t you think they’d make great Christmas presents?
I got my cookbook on my Kindle, so I can take it with me evrywhere I go. I know I will not lose it. It is wonderful, Thanks so much. Maybe I can learn to cook like my husband’s Mother… I was raised in te city, he was raised on a farm. big difference.
Everybody loves you Christy!! Myself included!! The cookbook is just the best!!
You are just such a blessing to so many out there and I wish everyone could meet such a sweetie as you. I sure hope you make the bestseller list, but if by some reason it doesn’t, it will be the bestseller to all your many fans. God bless you richly.