Hot Buttered Sweet Rice


Who all has had a bowl of Hot Buttered Sweet Rice handed to them by their loving mama or grandmama?

When my Mama was a little girl, she’d come in from school to find her Granny waiting to hear all about her day.
Knowing that kids were hungry after a long day at school, she’d smile when Mama walked in and sit her down at the table…


And put a bowl in front of her.


Then she’d take some rice from the supper she was preparing and scoop some hot right into that bowl…


And add a pat of butter.


And a sprinkling of sugar.

hot buttered rice southernplate

And give it a good stir.

And Mama would eat that entire bowl of warm, sweet, buttery rice.

Sometimes, the very next day before school, Mama would wake up to find her Granny heating up leftover rice to repeat this for a warm and soothing breakfast before she headed off to school.

It sure was good.

Did you eat this when you were little?

Was there some other comfort food that you remember along these lines? I’d love to hear about it in the comments below!


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  1. My mother would serve us the leftover rice in the morning with milk, sugar, and cinnamon on it. My sister and I ate it like cold cereal. I remember I just loved it that way.

  2. Wow! You always make me remember stuff from my childhood I’d all but forgotten. As for the rice, yes, I ate it as a kid and still do when I get the chance. I don’t know anyone else who eats rice like that but I love it. What I really loved is your dish. My grandma had that set and I didn’t remember it until I saw your picture.

  3. I’m making a comment on your dish! My grandmother left me a set of dishes made with the same design that you have on the dish here. Do you know anything about them or where I can find out anything about them? Just commenting.

    1. Yes ma’am! They’re made by The Jewel Tea company and called Autumn Leaf. The jewel tea man used to go door to door selling pantry items (my great grandmother always bought flavored gelatin from him) and you could also order these dishes. I believe many pieces were offered as premiums with purchases, as was so often the case during this time period. You should be able to find all you need on eBay at varying prices. Hope this helps!

  4. I ate this growing up too and love it! My ma-maw in Texas would also make biscuits and top with sugar syrup. I want to make that syrup but don’t know how.

  5. My Mother used to make hot buttered rice and add cinnamon sugar and milk. I have never been a milk drinker even in cereal but this was just plain good.
    Another childhood, oh so good food, memory was an after school snack.
    My friends on the school bus would be so jealous when the bus would pull up in our drive and it happened to be fresh bread making day. Oh the aromas coming from our house were enough for you to float on the air with and they knew I was going to have hot fresh bread, but what they did not know was I wasn’t just going to have hot fresh bread I was going to have the Queens desert before supper. My Mom would lather butter over a slice put it on a plate, spread brown sugar over it and then, oh my mouth is watering, she would drizzle fresh from our cows cream over the top and give me a spoon. Talk about being spoiled, I admit it.

  6. Oh yes ate this all my life.I still eat it for desert,breakfast or anytime.Yum-Yum.Thanks Christy for all your sharing of memories, recipes and inspiration and all the other great things you do.Almost forgot Thanks for the sweet photos you share.You favor your Mother so much.

  7. Oh yes ate this all my life.I still eat it for desert,breakfast or anytime.Yum-Yum.Thanks Christy for all your sharing of memories, recipes and inspiration and all the other great things you do.

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