How I Got My Entire Family To LOVE Drinking Water!

Today I’m going to tell you about something of a miracle that has taken place in my house.

I’ve always wanted one of these nice water dispensers for my house and always thought that maybe, just maybe, if we got one we would suddenly turn into enthusiastic water drinkers, leaving behind sodas, high calorie fruit juices, and relegating our beloved iced tea to mealtimes. I pictured this idealistic scene where my daughter (who has hated drinking water her entire life) would suddenly crave water nonstop, all day long.

So that was my vision – and here is the crazy thing:

That is exactly what has happened.

Meet the miracle worker, my Primo Water Dispenser

A little backstory: I mentioned that my daughter hated water. Seriously folks, hated. Her entire life, she wouldn’t even so much as swallow a vitamin with a sip of water. Brushing her teeth with it was the farthest she would go and y’all know that is some serious dislike of water right there! I also have a house full of teenagers right now (my kids and their friends) and they are in and out all day long. My son used to prefer case pack water but I had been trying to get away from that habit for a while. The bottles are such a waste and the cost really adds up. And of course, all the recent water safety issues that are connected to tap water – that’s not an option for any of us.

However, none of my efforts curtailed his love of bottled water and nothing had proven an attractant for my daughter to actually drink it – until we got our Primo water cooler.

I’m still tickled about this healthy change in my home! The dispenser arrived a couple of weeks ago. I immediately took it out of the box and set it up myself, that was super simple to do on my own. The dispenser ships with some great coupons for Primo water so I immediately went to pick up a few 5-gallon bottles of water at one of the local spots that has Primo water available. During setup, I kept thinking I’d need help because I remember those big old cumbersome machines where you have to do this quick change balancing act by taking the 5 gallon bottle of water and flipping it upside down into the cooler without drenching half the room in the process, but this never happened.

This dispenser is different – it’s a bottom loading dispenser and it’s super simple to use. Just remove the lid, insert the water probe from the machine and lightly press the top down until the collar snaps into place and slide the bottle up a little slanted ramp into the machine. Just like that, ready to go! Easy, peasy.

The features of this machine are amazing. The kids call the cold water “Arctic water” because it is so cold. This is what drew my daughter in. She still swears that this cold water tastes entirely different from any other water she has ever had – and I have to agree with her. It’s smooth, soft, and the perfect temperature – arctic!

I love the hot water feature even though at first I was a little nervous about it. My fear was that someone would accidentally press that button and burn themselves so I was relieved to see there is a great safety child lock feature that prevents that from happening. You actually need to press and hold TWO buttons for the hot water to come out. This is the perfect temp for my morning oatmeal or afternoon cup of Irish Breakfast tea but the kids have dubbed this the “Ramen Machine” for self explanatory reasons.

FINALLY, there are no single use water bottles at our house! In fact, we haven’t even bought any carbonated drinks since we got this machine, either! As soon as I got it, I measured the space to fill a bottle ad purchased us all the largest insulated drink tumblers.

We have been using these ever since. Our water drinking system is so much easier now. When each bottle is empty I can just take it to my local spot (click here to see the locations near you) and trade it out for a full bottle for a little less than half the price I initially paid, since I’m returning a bottle in exchange for the new one.

This has saved us a lot of money because not only are we not buying bottled water, but we also haven’t bought any other types of ready made drinks since we got our Primo water dispenser. No cokes, juices, or sports drinks, etc. Water has become our most consumed beverage and the kids haven’t given their previous favorites a single thought! Every time my kids get ready to head out the door they fill their tumblers and throughout the day when you happen upon them, the tumbler is nearby. We’ve all adopted a wonderful new habit with countless benefits, and all it took was hooking up our Primo dispenser. I am absolutely amazed and thrilled!

Even Grandmama got in on the water drinking habit!

So I want to encourage you, if you were thinking a Primo water machine could possibly be a game changer in your family, don’t hold off like I did, because in my house, the game has absolutely changed!

If you are still on the fence, here are some fast facts about Primo and drinking water:

  • Each 5-gallon water bottle keeps 1100 single use plastic bottles out of landfills. Primo bottles are reused 40-50 times before being recycled into a new 5-gallon bottle.
  • Studies have shown that adding a dispenser to your home increases water drinking in families by 25% – but we blew that number out of the water!
  • Water helps us develop healthier habits, reduce sugar intake, and stay properly hydrated.
  • Every day we lose 2-3 liters of water naturally. Staying hydrated helps cushion and lubricate joints, regulate our body temperature, nourish our brain (no more groggy brain!), increase our energy, improve mood, regulate blood pressure, and keep our skin moisturized.

If you would like to start, Primo is offering a special discount right now just for us! Visit their website,, and use code SOUTHERNFOODIE20 when you check out to receive the following:

  • 20% off all dispensers purchased on
  • A coupon for your first 5-gallon bottle of Primo water ($14.95 value)
  • FREE shipping (fast turnaround FedEx usually delivered within 5 bus days)

I LOVE MY PRIMO and I think you’d love one, too!

Disclaimer: I have been compensated for this post but all opinions are my own and I’M SO EXCITED to be working with Primo! This has made a difference in our lives and that is not an understatement! I hope you get to try one out soon. Make sure you use the discount code above!

Update: We’ve had this water dispenser for about a month now and have not bought ANY OTHER BEVERAGES for our home. We have become an entire family of water drinkers! I can’t even begin to imagine how much money this will save us over time. If anyone is holding off on getting one, let me encourage you to do so. Best thing we’ve bought for our family in years!


  1. With a dispenser similar to yours, will I need to add non-spill caps or 3 or 5 gallon screw top caps to my order?

  2. Update: We’ve had this water dispenser for about a month now and have not bought ANY OTHER BEVERAGES for our home. We have become an entire family of water drinkers! I can’t even begin to imagine how much money this will save us over time. If anyone is holding off on getting one, let me encourage you to do so. Best thing we’ve bought for our family in years! 

  3. We got a Primo dispenser about 6 months ago. I also have the Bubba mugs. I fill mine with ice and then the water and it really does stay cold a long time. It really does help you drink more water. But alas I still drink plenty of sweet tea.

    1. I am so glad to hear you still use and like yours Morgan!!! I cannot imagine life without mine at this point. In fact, our son moves to college this weekend and asked if we would get him one for his dorm room!

    1. Hi Holly,
      The 20% code SOUTHERNFOODIE20 is valid until Aug 31st, 2018. Let us know if you have any questions!

    1. Cindy,
      The model featured here is called the Smart Touch dispenser. The self-sanitizing dispenser is another great choice and one of our best sellers. Let us know if we can help with any questions.

  4. What brand of cups are you using? Do they keep the water good and cold? I would love to have one of the dispensers.

    1. We are using the Bubba brand that we got from Wal Mart. The other day I saw them on sale for $7 each 🙂 They keep it REALLY cold. In fact, it’s funny because we only add ice every other day 🙂 There is always ice the next morning when we go to fill our cups again.

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