How To Tell If An Egg Is Still Good To Use
Never throw out perfectly good eggs again, and never have to wonder if they’re safe to use past their expiration day! This is a simple and sure fire way to know if that egg is still safe to use.
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Thank you was so good to learn.!!.
I love to read everything you have written. You always touch my heart! I want to contact you about an event in Florence, but did not come up. Is there another avenue to contact you?
That is the e-mail you would contact me at Jan, not sure what you mean by it didn’t come up but you can try sending an e-mail there again.
Love your blog and your cookbooks. 🙂 I was thrilled to meet you back in April at the book signing in Greensboro. Just had a question… I have a little gift book that i found that I know you’d love. Do you have a mailing address (obviously not your physical address) that I could send this to? Would love to share it. 🙂
That was such a great tip that I will definitely be using for now on. I’ve been tossing out eggs, and probably wasting money all of this time.
Thank you Rosie, it does come in pretty handy!!
Looks like a great school science day project!
Good morning Christy Hope you have a great day. Thanks so much for your recipes and ideas.
Good Morning Donna!! I hope you have a fabulous day as well!
What a great tip! I hate throwing away eggs that are past the “expiration date.” Now I’ll know to give it the float test.
Also…your hair looks amazing. 🙂
Thank you Whitney!!
Oh my gosh, I learned this tip about eggs in the fourth grade!