How to tell if you can still use those outdated eggs in your fridge…

From time to time, I like to post little tidbits and hints for all of y’all wonderful people who are kind enough to read my blog. This one has been quite handy for me and is thanks to that $40,000 Home Ec degree I have (which has served me well as wall adornment) so might as well spread the wealth!

Ever have an egg in your fridge and you weren’t sure if it was still good or not? There is an EASY way to find out. As eggs go bad, gases are produced inside the egg. As those gases are produced, the egg becomes more and more buoyant.

Here’s what you do!

Fill a glass with water, place your egg inside.

  • If the egg sinks to the bottom, it is still good and will be for some time.
  • If the egg floats to the middle of the glass, it is still good but needs to be used soon.
  • If the egg floats all the way to the top, you need to throw it away.

I swear knowing this is going to really impress someone at some point in your life.
Heloise hasn’t got anything on me 🙂

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  1. Awesome tip! We have a dozen backyard chickens and when we don’t sell eggs regularly we sometimes get way too many in the fridge. I always wonder how long they’ll be good for so it’s great to know a way to check!

    Thanks for the tip!

  2. Hey, I jumped over here from tip junkie. Can I just say, THIS IS A FREAKIN AWESOME TIP!!! I usually just stare the egg trying to figure out if it is good or not. That doesn’t so much work.
    Thanks tons!!

  3. Thank you so much for the tip!! I am sad to say that I have this dilema far to often at my house and I am usually to cheap to throw them out. I usually just convince myself that the month old eggs are just fine, my husband will be glad for this tip too!:)

  4. Great tip! Thanks! I kind of remember learning this back in high school but I had totally forgotten. I had some eggs that I wasn’t sure about and this would have helped me out!

  5. This is such a great tip! I love to stock up on eggs when they are on sale, but sometimes I wonder if they aren’t good anymore. I will definitely give this a try.

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