How to tell if you can still use those outdated eggs in your fridge…
From time to time, I like to post little tidbits and hints for all of y’all wonderful people who are kind enough to read my blog. This one has been quite handy for me and is thanks to that $40,000 Home Ec degree I have (which has served me well as wall adornment) so might as well spread the wealth!
Ever have an egg in your fridge and you weren’t sure if it was still good or not? There is an EASY way to find out. As eggs go bad, gases are produced inside the egg. As those gases are produced, the egg becomes more and more buoyant.
Here’s what you do!
Fill a glass with water, place your egg inside.
- If the egg sinks to the bottom, it is still good and will be for some time.
- If the egg floats to the middle of the glass, it is still good but needs to be used soon.
- If the egg floats all the way to the top, you need to throw it away.
I swear knowing this is going to really impress someone at some point in your life.
Heloise hasn’t got anything on me 🙂
Thank you Dahling, I am going to go check
my eggs right now. I have often wondered
if I am using one to old. I am still good
at my age , so I thought my eggs ought to
be good , too. Just kidding. *smile*
We have a snow storm coming this weekend
and I hope it doesn’t make the power go
out like we had the last of Dec/ first of
Jan. Got to get Groceries in.
Betty, what part of TN are you in? I am in NE AR and from what I can tell the freezing line runs right here. LOL We live in a small town so we only get weather from Memphis, Little Rock or Jonesboro so nothing really LOCAL. I am headed to the store this evening though to stock up. We moved here from MA last summer but I understand there was a big ice storm last year too.
Speaking of eggs, a fun science project for little ones to do is to put an egg in a glass of water and start adding salt. Let them see what happens. When my youngest was in K or 1st grade she had to do a science project and I found this one. She won the first place trophy because she was able to explain why it happened even though her experiment was much less complicated than the ones the parents built! LOL
Nan, are you the one that sent me a friend request?? Is your
name Sandra C.
I live in upper north east Tn. near Va. and N.C. I live in
Johnson City and it is a town of about 60,000 or more within
city limits. I love it here surrounded by Mountains. I live
about 100 miles N.E. of Knoxville.
I have a first Cousin that lives in a surberb of Memphis.
I am a retired nurse who is still working. LOL Well, part
time . I love it and can’t give it up completely .
Let me know if you are the one who sent me the friend thing
as she said that she sent me a note on SP and this is the
only one I found.
Have a good day and hope the snow doesn’t come as bad as
they predict. A wet snow which can cause a lot of damage
and power outages. Take care. B.L.
Betty- It was me Sandra C in Moulton, AL. It was on FB SP.
I just binged the following question:
eggs outdated how long are they good for
You were the first page that appeared and I am glad for that.
I love to cook, but at times wondered how one checks eggs.
Your information was great and helpful. I think I might just
have to research more from your site, never know what else I might
-The Sandman
Welcome to Southern Plate, Sandman. You will find wonderful recipes and step-by-step picture tutorials. Sweet tea, white sauce for chicken(North Alabama favorite), banana pudding, Dixie cornbread, chicken and dumplings, and even how season your cast iron skillets. Hope you enjoy your visit at Southern Plate.
Thank you! You saved me a trip to the grocery store the day before Thanksgiving…which I so much try to avoid…but even in my careful planning, I found my eggs were outdated. But thanks to you I know they’re still good! YIPPEE
THANK YOU. What a great tip. Now, how do we know when to toss out deli-meat? Can you help us with that question?
I’m always wondering, but have never bothered to look it up, so thanks! 🙂
Thank you so much for this tip! We have our own free-range chickens and I always wondered how long they are good for! I will use this often now =)
Such good info! thanks for sharing.