Its your Birthday and Your Spouse Is In Disney World, What Are You Gonna Do?
This is my dilemma today as I turn ~muffled sound~ years old and my husband is at a Solidworks Convention being held in Disney – my absolute favorite place on the entire planet.
Solidworks, we gotta have us a talk about you changing the date of Solidworks World.
Now I’m not one of these people who thinks the town should shut down and throw her a parade on her birthday. However, I have been known to host a pretty rockin’ pity party from time to time. So in my effort to avoid going down that slippery slope I came up with an idea…
and it made me smile
and giggle
and laugh
and grin
and write about it to a few thousand of my nearest and dearest friends (that’s you, by the way).
You see, my husband (who is in Disney World today…on my birthday….while I am at home…with 2 kids) has a blog. His blog is very popular among his niche audience of Solidworks users. Solidworks is a 3-D design CAD software program, which I know way too much about considering I have never once used it.
However, we have a bit of a playful jesting back and forth about who gets the most visitors, who gets the most comments, etc. Hey, in absence of an actual life, its fun and its our sport.
Of course, my site is a cooking site and I have yet to meet a human who doesn’t consume food so you can see I obviously have the edge in our little rivalry here. So the question is, how do I take the bit of an edge and have some fun with it (on my birthday…when I am at home…with two kids….while he is at Disney World)?
~giggles as she gets ready to announce this~
Today, I am asking a personal favor of all of my nearest and dearest readers.
Help me have a happy birthday!
Please go to my husband’s website and leave a comment-but not just ANY comment!
Something like: “Hey Ricky! LOVE your wife’s blog!”
To keep it all in one spot, I’d love for the comments to go on his latest post, which may be found by clicking this link.
Oh this is going to be fun! Maybe not as fun as it is right now to be in Disney World….with Mickey Mouse…on your wife’s birthday…while she is at home…by herself with two kids…hearing “It’s A Small World” and the theme from “The Enchanted Tiki Room” playing in her head, but I’m sure it will be awfully close!
He has an iPhone and gets an email notification with every comment, which causes his phone to vibrate in his pocket. How FUN will it be if suddenly, his phone starts going off…and just keeps on going and going and going!!!
Oh y’all, PLEASE help me with this!! I cannot tell you how many times throughout the day I will be grinning from ear to ear as I check his comment numbers only to find them growing and filled with comments from Southern Plate readers!
Are you on twitter? Tweet the following to help even more!
“@southernplate is home on her birthday while her husband is in Disney World! Help her have some fun! click here!”
Well, I just had to do it even if it was a day late. I want to wish you a belated Happy Birthday. And I want you to know I commented on your husbands blog for yesterday. I informed him that at my house THE wife’s birthday lasts ALL week! Hope he brings you some goodies from Disney World. I can’t wait to hear his response to all this. What a great Idea, it is totally somethin’ I would do.
I’m so sorry that you’re at home while he is at Disney World. Please explain to me why you didn’t get to go????
In honor of Valentine’s Day (and now, you’re birthday, too!), I did a post ( blogs that I *love* and you’re on that list! I seriously add new items to my to-make list every day because of you!
I’m off to comment on your hubby’s blog.
Christy…I have enjoyed BOTH you and your husband’s blogs this week. My husband, Randall, is the one who gave Ricky a ride from the airport to the conference. You have both blessed me this week and made me feel a little more a part of my husband’s world as I have also been home…alone…with two kids.
We didn’t order out for any pizzas this week, but I did enjoy not having to put a full cooked dinner on the table every night. It gave me a little more time to cook and bake a few things for our upcoming Princess Birthday party. Our oldest one will be 4 in a couple of weeks. I make most everything from scratch and spend about 90% of my time in the kitchen so I promise you I’ll be visiting your website often. =)
Now that Randall is home, it’s back to cook’n for me. Most likely, something from Southern Plate will land on our table soon, if not tonight.
I hope you enjoy your birthday and having Ricky home again today. Vacation is now over Christy. Time to get back to work. Maybe we should hook up for SWW10! LOL!
P.S. Thank you so much for the chocolate fudge! Randall loved it!
Happy Birthday Christy
I did it! Us girls have to stick together! heehee
HAPPY BIRTHDAY CHRISTY! I did my good deed for the day…my comment has been left at your husband’s website!
I just left one, but it said “0 comments”. What’s up with that?