1. Thanks for sharing all these videos. They were encouraging. Such truths spoken here. I have been working on positives words myself. I didn’t realize how negative I was til the Father revealed it through my child being negative. Then I saw my self. Constantly learning to renew my mind daily.
    Thanks Christy!
    Blessings, Melanie

  2. Christy-
    Love your videos and Southern Plate! Very hard to bridle your tongue but it helps me to think of it this way: your words are containers of fear or faith – decide what you will release out into the world!

  3. Thank you, thank you, thank you for doing this series! I am enjoying your tips – and they are changing my life. Thank God for His blessings on me!

  4. Enjoyed your video. We need to live like Paul told us. To be imitators of him because he lived for Christ. Christ in me. Thank you so much for reminding me of my tongue must be controlled. Love your emails

  5. Thanks for the videos. It reminded me of something I read along time ago. Those that use curse words “Are small minded people, trying to express themselves forcefully.”

  6. Yes, we are all being sanctified and its a slow, steady process brought about by His Holy Spirit. Looking back on my own journey I can clearly see how He has changed my thoughts and words. Thank you for sharing.

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