Make Your Own Instant Rice from Bulk Rice

To see the Excalibur dehydrator I currently use, click here.  For a complete collection of dehydrators offered by Amazon, click here.

Today I’m sharing a video with you on how I use my dehydrator to make my own instant rice. This saves me lots of time AND money, and I can have rice ready to go with a meal in just a few minutes.

Links to all products mentioned in the video are below. Thanks for watching and be sure and subscribe to my Youtube channel by clicking here.

Using a dehydrator to make your own instant rice from bulk rice.

Wanna see how I dehydrate frozen veggies to save freezer space? Click here

  • The dehydrator sheets I use can be purchased at 9 for around $10 by clicking here.
  • I am using an Excalibur 9 tray dehydrator with a timer. You can read more about it by clicking here.


To see the Excalibur dehydrator I currently use, click here.  For a complete collection of dehydrators offered by Amazon, click here.

“There is no dignity quite so impressive, and no independence quite so important, as living within your means.” 

~Calvin Coolidge

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  1. Hey Kristy, great Idea, and I might try it, although I don’t eat a lot of rice because it spikes my blood sugars so badly.
    I have another thought for you try taking a rolling pin and rolling the dehydrated rice lumps and they should crumble down finer. The reason I say that, is I have limited storage space, and if I can get more in a jar or whatever its better.
    I have dried local berries and used them later, works great, but you do have to dry them further than leathery stage, like hard marble stage, so they take a bit longer to reconstitute but they work just fine.

  2. Thanks Christy for the tip. i often wondered if I could do this myself. by the way I love how little Katy Rose is peeking through the window behind you with her little hands on the window as if to say I am here too, what a way to start a video with a picture of your beautiful little sidekick.

  3. What a great idea! Don’tcha think this will work the same for brown rice? We try to eat more brown than white, but the brown rice can take up to two hours to cook. I’m not always THAT on top of the dinner game to think about starting rice around 3:00 🙂

    1. I just love your videos!!! I just love your attitude… nothing is a big deal… it will just work out!!! Love that!!! And… I love that you are just ‘real people’!!!

      Thanks for sharing your knowledge, attitude, and faith with us!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️

  4. I never would have thought of doing this in my dehydrator. What a tremendous ides. It will save me a lot of time. Thanks so much for your creative ideas Christy..

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