Make Your Own Instant Rice from Bulk Rice

To see the Excalibur dehydrator I currently use, click here.  For a complete collection of dehydrators offered by Amazon, click here.

Today I’m sharing a video with you on how I use my dehydrator to make my own instant rice. This saves me lots of time AND money, and I can have rice ready to go with a meal in just a few minutes.

Links to all products mentioned in the video are below. Thanks for watching and be sure and subscribe to my Youtube channel by clicking here.

Using a dehydrator to make your own instant rice from bulk rice.

Wanna see how I dehydrate frozen veggies to save freezer space? Click here

  • The dehydrator sheets I use can be purchased at 9 for around $10 by clicking here.
  • I am using an Excalibur 9 tray dehydrator with a timer. You can read more about it by clicking here.


To see the Excalibur dehydrator I currently use, click here.  For a complete collection of dehydrators offered by Amazon, click here.

“There is no dignity quite so impressive, and no independence quite so important, as living within your means.” 

~Calvin Coolidge

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  1. Hi Christy,
    I am having the same problem as some of the other ladies with the video showing all the way through. I was so excited about seeing it as I just now bought the very same dehydrator as you have, and I am anxious to use it. Dehydrating rice is brilliant!!! I am going to see if I can find the written message about the method. Thanks so much for all you do, and God’s blessing on you new book.

  2. Hi Christy,
    How much water do you add when you are reconstituting the rice? Is it 1 cup water to 1 cup rice? Thanks for the dehydrator ideas. I have one but hardly ever use it but am going to dust it off now!

  3. Wow, Christy,, GREAT idea! A food dehydrator has been on my wish list for this spring. I plan on drying tomato sauce and putting up in jars to make a ton more room on my canning shelves! Now I will try this one also and use the brown rice.

  4. I’m sorry, but these videos don’t work for me … I get a lot of starting, stopping, and pausing. All of which mean I don’t see a coherent message. Is there any chance that you could just go back to using written words? Or more written words to go with the video?

    1. Hey Joan! My mother has the same problem where she is. In her case it is the Internet connection. I’m afraid that’s the one thing we can’t remedy. However, I continue to do my recipe posts and stories in print at the same pace I usually do. These videos are just in addition to that.
      Hopefully you’ll still hang around for those because I love having you here!

      1. Thanks for the videos, Christy! One thing about this one: the CC is wacky and some words show up that I know you didn’t say (a little vulgarity here and there O.o ).

        I much appreciate this idea, though. And the one about the veggies was a “duh” moment for me. I never thought about dehydrating already frozen vegetables – only fresh. Thanks again and have a wondrous day! 😀

        1. Whew! I didn’t realize this would even have captions available- eek! The last one, I spent over an hour typing them myself. I didnt hear from anyone that they were particularly helpful so decided not to caption others. Thank you for your faith in me 🙂 I definitely don’t talk like that!
          I’m glad you still got some useful info but I’m sorry you had to wade through that to get it. I’ll see if I can disable captions today.

      2. I have the same problem. It’s a Google Chrome issue. Unfortunately there is no real way to fix it. It is really bad if you have Win7 Professional. What is happening behind the scenes is Chrome or Win 7 Pro will take your CPU to 100% making it next to impossible to watch any sort of youtube video. And it is only a youtube issue. other video hosting sites work fine.

  5. Oh Christy, the Corelle dishes in the video, are the same pattern my parents used for everyday. Now my husband and I use them! Thank-you for all of your help with the dehydrating tips too. It’s something we’re thinking about purchasing so, we will appreciate any recipes in the future. You’re such a sweetie too!

  6. Thanks for these great tips you are showing. Some of these ideas I’ve done myself, but others I haven’t thought of. I’ve never used a dehydrator, but I think that’s something I’ll be trying.

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