Meal Plan Monday #118

Hey friends, welcome to another edition of Meal Plan Monday! We have so many wonderful new recipes to share and bloggers are linking up their latest and greatest at the bottom of this post so make sure you scroll down, look around, and click on whatever makes your mouth water!

Let’s check out this week’s featured recipes:

Farmer’s Daughter Cake by Cooking with Carlee

Sloppy Joe Nachos from $5 Dollar Dinners

Low Carb Italian Stuffed Peppers from The Speedy Spatula

And our Featured Host Recipe Is:

Coca Cola Pie from SouthernPlate

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  1. I love salmon patties – my mom made them a lot when I was a kid. I never noticed what she seasoned them with. The recipe is much simpler than I thought. Thanks for this recipe that
    reminds me of days gone by.

  2. I have been receiving the identical emails from you and Stacey Little. Do you duplicate his site or is he duplicating yours.

    1. Hey Joyce! If you’ll notice on Meal Plan Monday, Stacey and I are both hosts of it (his name is listed at the bottom of each one along with mine) so we both have Meal Plan Monday on our sites. This is the only email we both send out and I can assure we are both people of integrity and we don’t duplicate other sites.

  3. I made the Coca Cola Pie for our Father’s Day celebration and it was an absolute hit! My 5-year old twin grandsons couldn’t get enough. One told me, “Mia (my gma name), I don’t know what this candy bar on top is but it’s delicious.” What better confirmation of a delicious dessert than that of a 5-year old? Thank you for the wonderful addition to my recipe collections!

  4. Just wanted to stop by and say a big “thank you!” for featuring my Low Carb Italian Stuffed Peppers! All of the recipes look wonderful and I’ll be making that Coca Cola Pie for our Independence Day celebration this year. Have a great weekend! 🙂

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