Meal Plan Monday Recipes *Link Up* #2!

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Meal Plan Monday

We have another fantastic Meal Plan Monday in store for us this week! Last week’s ended up with well over 50 mouth watering recipes from some of the our favorite food blogs! You can see last week’s Meal Plan Monday post by clicking here or visit my Meal Plan Monday Pinterest board to see them all pinned.
Ready for more inspiration?

Let’s kick this week off with the top 3 most clicked recipes from last week’s post!

#1 Most Clicked Recipe from last week:

Poor Man’s Beef Stew from That Magical Slow Cooker


 #2 Most Clicked Recipe from last week:

Dorito’s Taco Bake from Farm Wife Cooks

dorito's taco bake

#3 Most Clicked Recipe from last week:

Cheesy Macaroni Skillet from The Country Cook

Cheesy Mac Skillet 1

Recipes I’m Craving:
sweet n sour chicken
My Contribution for the week: Paradise Pancakes: Breakfast for supper is always a favorite but even more so when you make up a batch of these hearty oat pancakes and top them with an assortment of fruit and your favorite syrup!
Check out the fabulous recipes in this week’s link up below! Click on any photo to visit that post and get the recipe and make sure you follow my Meal Plan Monday Pinterest Board!
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Food Bloggers~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
 I woud love for you to leave your contributions to Meal Plan Monday below. This post will be promoted on all social media channels and emailed out to over 100k subscribers Sunday evening.
*Once you add yor link, please go back to that post and mention that your recipe is featured here with a link to this post. All posts linking back will be pinned and eligible to be featured in next week’s Meal Plan Monday! Leaving a link gives me permission to use your photo on social media to promote your recipe.

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  1. I’ve just gone to re-pin some of the recipes off your Meal Plan board but I didn’t see mine on there to re-pin! (the chipotle tacos) did I do something wrong? eek!

    1. Hey Veggie Mama!!! Thank you for letting me know! I usually pin a lot on the first day and then go finish pinning before I send the new one out, which is today. I’m behind this week but really appreciate you letting me know so I could pin that gorgeous recipe! It’s on the board now. Thanks so much for participating!!

        1. haha you’re telling me – when I linked it I was like “damn… where can I get a taco at this hour?!” Thanks so much for the wonderful link up (my meal plans are so much easier now!) and for all your hard work. I appreciate it 🙂 Off to Pin now (and probably get hungry again) <3

          1. That’s the hard thing about being a food blogger, lol. I often find myself writing about a new supper dish at 5:00 am and end up having to make it all over again for breakfast because, MAN I can (sometimes) make a dish look and sound so good that even I can’t resist it! lol Thanks so much for being here!

  2. Thank you for sharing all of these recipes! I enjoy visiting different blogger’s websites to see what they are cooking and baking.

  3. I wish that I was able to save recipes to my file. Plus it is very difficult to even print off a recipe now and then. Everything looks delicious but it is a pain , I visit several other recipe sites and they are very user friendly. Wish that yours was too.

  4. I love this feature! So many great recipes all in one place! I already see at least half a dozen I want to try. Thank, Christy!

  5. Thanks for hosting such a great link up! I shared my recipe and also posted your link on the recipe at A Southern Soul.
    Meal Plan Monday is helping get my week off to a great start.

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