Peanut Butter Scotchies, by Brady!

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What happened to my Bradybug? I swear he was a baby yesterday and look at him now, growing up before my eyes. Each morning its as if there is a new child waiting for me to meet! Brady hasn’t been on Southern Plate in a while because as he has grown, so has his schedule. He’s been busy serving on the student council, earning badges in Cub Scouts, making straight A’s and designing future space and weather tracking vehicles in his 3-D cad software and translating them into Legos. ~Takes a breath~ Makes me tired just thinking about it! Anyway, I’m grateful that I was able to nail him down long enough to get a guest blog spot out of him and this was the perfect recipe. Last year Brady brought you his Chow Mein Candy (sometimes known as “haystacks”) and this recipe is much like that one but with a little twist and a delightfully different crunch to it.

My friend, Lara, brought a tin of these Peanut Butter Scotchies to our house when we had our cupcake decorating party and I was hooked after the first bite but I couldn’t figure out what she had used in them! I was thinking it was corn flakes, but the crispy bite was a little more delicate than that and just delicious. Can you believe I had never actually tried Special K before this? She declared that to be the secret and I was off to buy my very first box. Of course, you can use plain old corn flakes in this and it will turn out just fine, but I really enjoyed Lara’s as they were so I wanted to use her exact recipe.

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You’ll need: Special K (or cornflakes, or rice krispies), Butterscotch chips, and Peanut Butter.

Cute kid is optional.

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Pour chips into the bowl.

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Microwave, stirring every forty five seconds, until completely melted.

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Add peanut butter.

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Stir that up well until smooth and creamy.

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Add cereal.

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Stir those until they are well coated.

Special thanks to Miss Terri for sending Brady this spiffy apron!

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This is what the final product will look like. Well, almost final.

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Pat that into a 9×13 pan. I lined mine with foil for easy removal but in the end it really wasn’t necessary.

Grrr, I hate it when I have to spell “necessary”, I always want to add an extra “c”.

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Cool completely before cutting. It’s best if you stick these in the fridge for about fifteen minutes and then cut.

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Gobble up! These are so simple but so very good!

Peanut Butter Scotchies

  • 12 ounce package butterscotch chips
  • 1/2 C Peanut butter
  • 3-4 Cups Cereal (I use Special K, you can use rice krispies, cornflakes, etc)

Melt chips in microwave until smooth and creamy. Add peanut butter and stir. Stir in cereal until completely coated. Press into 9×13 pan. Place in fridge for fifteen minutes or until completely cool, cut into bars.

“If you can’t feed a hundred people, then just feed one.”

~Mother Theresa

To submit your quote, click here.


I’m drawing a winner in the big Hamilton Beach giveaway tomorrow night. If you’re having problems commenting on the post, please try once more and then you can leave your comment on the Southern Plate Facebook Page if you still can’t leave one on the website to be entered. Thank you so much for your understanding. We were certain we had the problem fixed but some folks are still having issues, while it is resolved for others. We’re continuing to look into it every free chance we get!


Christy 🙂

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  1. I had to smile at your expression about “running around like a chicken with its head cut off.” I had a now-deceased friend who always liked to turn it around & say, “I’ve been running around like a head with its chicken cut off.”

    I’ve never seen chickens actually butchered, but my dad swears that the bodies do sometimes run around a bit right after you chop the heads off. He often had to go get a chicken out of the coop for my Granny to kill, clean, & “fry up.” lol

    I always wondered if he was just teasing me?? (about the running around part)

    1. Nooooo he wasn’t teasing! Mama said one took after her one time and liked to scared her to death! Of course, it was just a coincidence that it was running in her direction but it really does happen. ~shudders~

      He was likely teasing you about a hundred other things though, thats what daddys are for! lol

  2. These were so good. We love rice crispy treats and now I have another easy treat to make for my family when in a hurry. And, as you say, it is so hectic this time of the year.

    My #1 resolution for the New Year. SLOW DOWN! Take time to enjoy family, friends and be closer with GOD…

  3. Christy – Looking at your kids is like trying to say “Swiss” without smiling! Can’t do it!

    I am really enjoying your stories and recipes – Hope you and your family have a wonderful Christmas! Keep those pictures comin’!


  4. Christy,

    I’ve had these for years…they are SOOOO delicious!! I’ve never had the recipe before though! lol Yeah…like a typical man, I’ve always had to rely on a woman to make them for me. *blushes* But now, maybe I can make them for that special woman sometime instead!! hehe


    Thanks for the recipe and cute pics! Treat your Mama right. Take care young man!!

    1. lol! You’d be amazed at how many men read Southern Plate nowadays, and I imagine every single one of them to be AWESOME COOKS, much like yourself, I’m sure!

      Still, If I could get it made for me, I’d definitely choose that option more often than not! lol


    1. That is Amish Butterprint, the patter of the bowl that is. It’s one of my favorites.
      Okay, I guess I pretty much say that about every pattern I have but I guess every pattern really is “one” of my favorites!!!

      I sure am glad you keep coming back, Elizabeth, and hope you do for a looooong loooooooooooooong time!
      Christy 🙂

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