Give A Penny, Get A Penny
Give A Penny, Get A Penny
Most gas stations in the South have little change dishes by the register. If you’re paying for a transaction and need an extra penny or two, you simply take one from the dish. People then reciprocate this good turn by dropping a few coins in the dish from time to time, thereby creating a community bank of sorts, based on goodwill.
So in that spirit, this is Southern Plate’s “Give A Penny, Get A Penny” page.” I dearly love positive quotes and am always scouring the web for more so I thought this would be a great place to compile all of those. I’ll post mine, you post yours, and we can all “Give A Penny” when we have one and come back to “Get A Penny” when we need one.
I’ll also draw from these quotes to include at the bottom of my posts and emails that I send out to Southern Plate readers and be sure to credit the person who provided it, so include a link to your blog if you have one.
I would consider it a personal favor if you’d take the time to share a quote of motivation or positivity in the comments section below. Quote yourself, your Mama, someone famous, or our best friend “Anonymous”, it doesn’t matter, long as you drop your penny and then come back on one of those days when you feel like you might need one yourself.
Two favorite quotes and a belief of my own:
“You pray in your distress and in your need; would that you might pray also in the fullness of your joy and in your days of abundance.”
― Kahlil Gibran, The Prophet
If you have built castles in the air, your work need not be lost; that is where they should be. Now put the foundations under them.
Henry David Thoreau
For those who lament and complain that their prayers are not answered: perhaps they have not considered that the answer was “no”…..
That last one should have read:
For those who lament and complain that their prayers are not answered: perhaps they have not considered that the answer was “no, my child”…..
Our Father would never be so unkind as to just say no….
As good, earthly parents must sometimes say “No.” , we must take the risk that our children may be angry with or even feel hate for us for awhile. We recognize we are here to be their protective, teaching and loving parents, not their buddies. Even when we must say “No.” for their own good, we must say it with love in our hearts and with our voices.
Just my take on spoiling children until they truly are rotten. Brenda Mosier Parton
They will “feel” better when they ‘get over it’ –
-this is one advantage of the short memory that children have
Quotes I like…..
“God wants us to be a clearing house, not a warehouse!” unknown
God’s ways are good-they will be joy to you.
His ways are right- they will be wisdom to you.
His ways are true-they will be liberty to you.
His ways are pure-they will be refreshment to you.
His ways are sure-they will be strength to you.
His ways are best-they will be blessings to you.” Roy Lessin
Life is a continual struggle to adjust to change, because… the only constant in life IS change!
This is so true & if there were no struggles and changing……there would be no beautiful butterflies.
“Life without God is like an unsharpened pencil – it has no point.”
AMEN !!!!!!
“If you pray for God to move a mountain, be prepared to wake up next to a shovel.”
🙂 AMEN !
It does not matter where you live if your not living where your at
Jeff, I love it. There is a similar saying, “Bloom where your planted.”
Good one! Love it!
So very true!
I saw this on a chapel sign: “Weather forecast: God reigns and the Son shines.”
“Resentment is like taking poison and hoping the other person dies.”
People see themselves for what they strive to be, while others see them for what they are.
Author: Unknown