Winners of Giveaways This Week!

groceriesspWe have our winners in the Food lion and Hickory Barn BBQ Giveaways!

Special thanks to Anjie of Frugal Freelancer for generously donating the Food Lion gift card and coupon organizer and to my brother for donating dinner for two to a local winner!

The winners are:

Deb (whose email begins with mdscoy) – Food Lion Giveaway

Trisha Anderson of Athens – Hickory Barn BBQ Dinner for Two

Congratulations and thank you all for participating! I’m emailing you both and need you to email me your mailing addresses. Thank you!!

Would you like to learn how to drastically reduce your grocery bill while serving your family better meals at the same time?

Join us all this week on Southern Plate (it may actually lead into two weeks!) as we learn to save money on groceries through Couponing, meal planning, freezer cooking, and more!

We’ll show you how to:

  • Save more than you spend through using coupons and sales                                                                            (and point you to sites that do the work FOR you!)
  • Plan meals that your family AND wallet will love!                                                                                               (They’ll think you’ve gotten a raise when they see the dinner table!)
  • Use your freezer to create five meals for the price of one and have home made meals in freezer convenience!
  • We’ll also cover quick fix recipes, easy on your wallet
  • Angel Food Ministries and how they can make a difference in your life
  • Handy ways to stretch your meals
  • Places to cut back without anyone noticing




To kick off the week, Anjie of the Frugal Freelancer is giving away a coupon organizer AND a $50.00 gift card to Food Lion!

To enter to win the $50.00 Food Lion gift card and coupon organizer, simply leave a comment below!

*Must be in the vicinity of a Food Lion Grocer. Another gift card cannot be substituted.

For my readers who are local to me, leave a comment below to enter to win dinner for two at my brother’s restaurant,

Hickory Barn BBQ in Athens, AL.

MUST mention Athens in your comment to be entered in my giveaway.

Everyone will be getting a free E-Cookbook at the end of this week full of useful recipes and tips!


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  1. Being from NC, where Food Lion was born, I visit a Food Lion store every time I go to town. My children have always laughingly called it “Food Cat”. I could use that gift card “before quick”!

  2. WOW – small world. Our family LOVES the Hickory Barn. My father recently passed and your brother sent a ton of food to my mom’s house. I think she’s one of his most popular take-outers! My favorite is the chicken and potato salad. Everybody else, including my 7 year old go the ribs. I’m not a big rib eater, but his are delicious and the sauce is the best! We first discovered Hickory Barn at last fall’s Fiddlers Covention at Athens State. The BBQ sundae was a big hit. I believe that was just before the restaurant opened and it is the best in Athens! Especially great that it’s on our side of the county!

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