Sister Schubert Giveaway!

Congratulations to Mary Jost! Her comment was chosen at random to win this prize package!

Today I’m excited to bring you a fun giveaway from my new dear friend, Sister Schubert! I had such a wonderful time visiting with her a few weeks back, learning how to make her melt in your mouth rolls, and partaking in her amazing hospitality. I have never met a kinder, more thoughtful person – It’s no wonder her rolls taste so good. I am of the firm belief that food cooked by good hearted people just tastes better. 🙂


Of course, after coming home, the first thing I did was take my daughter into the kitchen and teach her all that I had learned from Sister. That’s what it’s all about, after all. Here is Katy with her first pan of Sister’s rolls that she made from scratch.


These are the rolls of legends. We made ours from scratch thanks to Sister’s tutelege but all you have to do to add them to your Christmas table is go pick them up at the grocery store. Sister even buys them sometimes and her guests never know!

Today, Sister is extending that hospitality to the Southern Plate Family by way of this giveaway! One lucky member of the Southern Plate Family will win a complete Holiday Gift Basket from Sister Schubert which includes the following:

sister giveaway

o Christmas with Southern Living 2014
o Five coupons for free Sister Schubert’s Rolls (these are like golden tickets!)
o Bread basket
o Holiday Table Runner
o Holiday Napkins
o Holiday Napkin Rings
o Holiday Place Card Holders
o Holiday Placecards
o Reindeer candle votives
o Candles (2 candles)
o Pine cone salt and pepper shakers
o Locally made Alabama honey
o Locally harvested Alabama cracked pecans

To enter, all you have to do is visit Sister Schubert’s Needlequotes site, make your own Needlequote (like the one I made below), and share it on my Facebook Page wall. You can also post the link to the needle quote you created below if you prefer (either counts as an entry).

After I made this Needlequote, I had the option to print a really great coupon for Sister’s rolls! 🙂

Please visit Sister Schubert for more heartwarming holiday inspiration. She really is a kind soul and I know you’ll enjoy being a part of her family!

Disclaimer: Giveaway ends at midnight Sunday, December 14th. Winner will be chosen using, announced here and notified by email. Winner has three days to respond to email or alternate winner will be chosen. This post is graciously sponsored by Sister Schuberts but all opinions contained herein are my own.


  1. No Facebook account

    The first quote that comes to mind is my Grandmother always saying “Fools’ names like fools’ faces, always seen in public places”.

  2. I don’t have time to do Facebook, but I would love to win the coupons. My children love the rolls! “If something is worth doing, it is worth doing right.”–my dad

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