Southern Plate Celebrates 100 Recipes With Link Love!

100 Recipes!!!
Its hard to believe that my next recipe post will be the 100th recipe post on Southern Plate! This calls for a celebration! Since the beginning, you’ve all be so encouraging and wonderful to me, I truly don’t know how I got so lucky to have such amazingly generous and kind people reading and hanging out on my virtual front porch, but I am so very grateful for each and every one of you.
But we’ve been sitting here on this front porch for a while now and I’ve just been a talkin’ away and haven’t let you get a word in edgewise! So why don’t you step up and introduce yourselves to everyone on this post.
I invite you to list the url to your blog or website along with a description of what its about and/or who you are!
I won’t be responding to these comments (this is your show!) but I will check and follow every link and if you have Southern Plate listed among your links, I’ll be sure to add you to my permanent links as well (which will someday be organized by category and include short descriptions…someday! I am going to update it and add a big, pretty button on my sidebar this weekend.).

After a few days, I’m going to make a button on my sidebar with a shortcut to my “Link Love” post. So go ahead and introduce yourself to the wonderful folks here, and let us get to know you better!

*Your blog or website does not have to be food related! All readers of Southern Plate are invited, welcomed, and requested to participate because YOU Are so very important here!!
All I ask is that you list family friendly websites only, please.

So speak up! Tell us about your blog here!

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  1. I am Courtney. I am a twenty-something SAHM. I write at Cady Cupcake. It is basically a place for our family and friends who are scattered all over to keep up with our daughter. I throw in some random recipes and political rantings every once in awhile.

  2. Jillybean here. I hang out at The Post-It Place ( where I babble about all kinds of things. We have giveaways going on most of the time, I have a recipe page, and generally talk about the things going on in my life and in Hick Town.

  3. Woohoo! Congrats on recipe number 100!

    My name is Christy also, better know throughout Netdom as Jalera though. My little corner of the world is called Jal’s Kitchen, and as the little blurb underneaths says, it’s observations on Life, the world, my cat, family, friends and cooking. I live just north of you in Fayetteville TN. Southern Plate is always the first blog I read.

  4. Hi, Christy! You are too nice, you know that. . .

    Little House in the Suburbs is two friends with WAY too much time on our hands to concoct extreme homemaking projects, frugal living stuff, cooking, gardening, and soapmaking. Oh, and with chickens. Bawk.

    Congrats on your centirecintennial!

  5. Hi,

    I’m Jodi, a SAHM from Colorado. I’m new to blogging and my blog is only a little over a month old. I have a few recipes on there so far, but I also like to write about my life, my daughter, my husband and our cats. I’m still learning, so bear with me, but I love to get comments and I love discovering new blogs as well.

  6. Congratulations! Wow, 100 huh? And all pretty dang good!

    Hi, I’m Mary over at My New 30 – I’m in south Mississippi and I’m nowhere near all these professional looking blogs, but I started blogging when I turned 50 (the new 30 right?) and I was dieting to lose weight for a vacation. I recently revived my blog to have a place just to hear myself think about whatever is on my mind, but mostly here lately it’s all about food (what else is there?) and gadgets and product reviews and banter.

    Southern Plate is one of my favorite spots for recipes and inspiration! Again … congrats! What a milestone.

  7. Hi everyone (and especially hi to Christy, our lovely hostess!) I’m Stephanie. I’m a young wife and mother, with two little kids ages 3 and 1. They’re just about the cutest kids I’ve ever seen, but I might be a bit biased on that. I’m a SAHM, and my husband is a medical technologist.

    My blog, Fun Foods on a Budget, is all about cooking and eating delicious food that doesn’t cost a lot. I’ve always been pretty frugal (I think it’s awesome that Christy flaunts her blatant use of store brands), and I love sharing recipes. So having a blog full of cheap foods is just really fun for me. You can find me at

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