Southern Plate Cookbook Update!


This sign was sent to be yesterday by Andrew Malcolm to congratulate me on finishing the book. It was made online but BOY did it make my day with a round of giggles!

This morning I turned in the manuscript for the Southern Plate Cookbook which is being published by Harper Studios, a division of Harper Collins. The book is a combination of stories, classic Southern recipes, and some of the most gorgeous photos of Southern food I’ve ever seen. I have worked with an amazing team in putting this book together and I am just about to burst with excitement because I want you to see it so badly!

This is YOUR Cookbook, put together by using your input on what you wanted to see, what recipes you cherished most, and what recipes have been lost that you want most to reclaim for your family. I did include some of the most popular ones on Southern Plate but also made sure to add several exclusive good old fashioned recipes as well – the ones I’ve been asked for the most since starting Southern Plate. I feel just like a child whose colored you a picture and can’t wait for you to get home so I can present it to you! Thank you SO MUCH for giving me this opportunity and for helping me to write this book.

It will be available for pre-order this summer and will be in all major bookstores by the fall. I have one more wish, to make the dream come true for me, I’d sure love to get to meet you! I hope to see you at a book signing once it’s out. I’ll post my schedule as soon as it’s finalized. If you’re a member of the Southern Plate Family, I owe you a hug!

*Note: My self published cookbook is no longer available. Thank you to everyone who purchased it and everyone who has been kind enough to ask if there are any more. I sure do appreciate it and feel confident that you’ll enjoy my new book even more!

I’d love to hear your comments and suggestions for where book signings should be held in the comments below!


Christy 🙂

There is nothing more pleasant in life than to pass on to others what

one has learned for oneself.



  1. I would love for you to come to Oxford/Gadsden, AL. I live in Ohatchee which is about in the middle! I can’t wait to come and meet you! Congratulations on the book!

    1. Yay! Another Calhoun County SP fan.

      Dear Harper please do not neglect Christy’s readers in this part of Alabama. Plus we’re close to Georgia so people in Cedartown/Rome (aka Polk and Floyd counties) could attend those signings if one is not planned for that area.

      1. Christy, congratulations on your book. Another vote for Oxford/Gadsden area. We would love to see you and treat you like family….we’ll spoil you rotton!

  2. I think my hometown is a bit on the small side for a successful book signing but we have a mall in St. Clairsville , OH or I am sure Wheeling, WVA would be a good option. There is a nice new mall on the outskirts of town.

    1. No way – not too small. Come see us! I am in Wheeling too! Heck – come to Pittsburgh – I will travel.


    1. I second that. I would love to get my big ole hug in Hattiesburg, MS. There are several bookstores there so I won’t be so picky about which one ;-0
      WTG Christy!

    2. Another vote for Hattiesburg!!! But, I could also drive to Jackson, MS, or to Mobile, AL if you couldn’t actually get here. 🙂

    1. I scanned the whole the whole reply list tosee what youhad to say to Christy. You are so funny in your remarks to her.

  3. I would love it if you came to Long Island, NY. There is a nice big Borders Book store in Farmingdale that just happens to be about 10 minutes from my house.
    I am looking forward to your book, the recipes are great, but I also love your writing style. I can picture everything you write in my mind so clearly.
    thank you for sharing yourself with us Christy. My best wishes for the successful release of your book.

    Love ya,


    1. I second Long Island especially if it’s in the summer because I am going to be REALLY FAT and REALLY HOT by then lol…

      I am really looking forward to your cookbook I’m even gonna buy my own copy…. lol….

      We Love ya,


  4. It was 2AM when this email came through for me (I’m on the other side of the world right now) but it was well worth the wait! Congratulations Christy!! I’m so glad to hear that your book is done finally. I truly hope you get a chance now to lay back, relax, put your feet up and have someone serve you some ice-cold sweet tea! lol

    I look forward to ordering my first copy. Can’t wait to read more of your wonderful stories. As for where to go? Ummmm, well i doubt Idaho is big on Southern cooking but hey, if you ever get out in this neck of the country I’ll be sure to try to stop in to get your signature.

    Congrats again!!

  5. Gadsden or Oxford, AL. If I have to I will come to Huntsville or Birmingham to see ya, but if you are closer I can get some of my friends to come. After you get more information I will e-mail Rachel from Alabama Bloggers and see if I could do some sort of interview or write up about you and SP. That is what that site is all about supporting all the wonderful bloggers from our great state.

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