Southern Plate Radio – Is It Crazy To Be Prepared, or Crazy Not To Be?


Practical Preparedness- Simple steps you can take today to prepare your family for whatever may comeIn this week’s episode of the Southern Plate Radio Show, I follow up my Practical Preparedness post by answering questions and talking about “Is it crazy to be prepared, or crazy not to be?”.

Would you like to listen to more Southern Plate Radio? You can download podcasts by searching your podcast provider for the Survival Mom Radio Network and then looking for Southern Plate Radio within that network.

Tomorrow, I’ll be sharing how you can make all-in-one food buckets, good for up to 30 years, using items you can get locally. Each bucket ends up costing around $22 with enough food to easily supplement a family if four for about a week. 

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  1. Thanks for all the preparedness information. I try to keep things stocked up, but it’s really hard when you have several allergies you need to work with.

    1. The first thing I would do in that situation is come up with one bulk item that everyone can have, regardless of allergies. If that is beans or oats,you’re in luck! If that is instant potatoes, another bonus! Those three are excellent foundations to build on. I know some folks with a crazy array of allergies and they are still able to have an excellent preparedness food store. Where there is a will, there is a way! I know you can do this! Pick your chin up, your family is so blessed to have you!

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