Southern Plate Scavenger Hunt

Note: A lot of bookstores are sold out of the cookbook already. If you plan on coming to a booksigning, you might want to contact the store hosting it (you can get a list here) and go ahead and visit them to get your book. If you can’t find it in an area store, you can order it at any of the online retailers listed at the bottom of this post. Thank you SO MUCH for supporting this journey of our Southern Plate Family! So many wonderful reviews are being posted on and I’d love it if you could post a review (if you have time). Please tell your friends about our book!


To celebrate my book’s debut, I planned a scavenger hunt around my hometown of Huntsville, Alabama. Here is the event announcement for more information:


Beginning at 5:30, I will start visiting some area stores that are carrying my book. At each location, I’m going to be leaving invitations in the very front of the first four books and the top one will also have a special recipe card handwritten by someone in my family as a bonus (for the one who reaches that location first!).

After I leave each stop, I’ll post a photo of …me there and the location on facebook so folks can go try to get invitations. If you miss the ones at that location, check Facebook to see where I go next!

Each location will have four invites to a little get together that will take place at 7:00 PM. We’ll have refreshments, chat, and of course I’d be happy to sign your books or magazines if you bring them! (Like I say, my autograph and five bucks will get you a cup of coffee!)

This is going to be fun!

BUT you have to find an invitation to know where to go! Wanna go with friends? Bring ’em along! All you need is one invite so you know where to find me at 7:00!

I ended up going to Wal Mart earlier in the day and while I was there went ahead and left some invites in their books.

Then got started at close to 5:30 when we took off looking for books. Sam’s Club had a huge table last week but were down to just a few last night so we left several invites in those books.

Oh, notice I say “We”? BIG thanks to Ashley Smith for meeting up with me ahead of time and traveling along to cut apart invitations and take photos! Ashley I can’t tell you how much I appreciated your help and you made the evening so much more fun for me!

This is what the invites looked like.

We went to Barnes And Noble on Bridge street. They had two books so I left invites in all of them.

We have three Books A Millions near me but only one of them had the books! From what I hear the other two had sold out and are expecting more in.

At the Books A Million on North Parkway I found a family waiting in their van for me!

They had waited over an hour!

This store had their Southern Plate books right up by the register so I stuck invites in all of them :).

I’m doing a book signing here next Monday night.

And then the time came for us all to meet at the “secret” location on the invites. Which was of course, Krispy Kreme.

YES! They had the hot doughnuts sign on for us, too :).

I left the house with my food lense on the camera so we had to do this photo in two parts…

Here is the other half of our group.

I was thrilled with all of the kids who actually read Southern Plate!

Miss SaraBeth was just wonderful and she and I talked over all of our similarities, including our love of The Duggar Family!

SaraBeth and her Mama 🙂

I could talk to her Mama all day. Come to think of it, I could talk to everyone there all day! (and just about did)

This is me and Angel with the smiling eyes :). She came to the UNA tailgate event as well and was so sweet to take part in my scavenger hunt, too!

This is Chris and Christine and little Christopher waiting to make his debut soon! They have the most beautiful love story. It was wonderful just being around these two and getting to see how much they adore each other as they wait on the arrival of their first born! I made Christine promise to post pics of baby feet on the Southern Plate Fanpage when he is born!

Lea Ann Smith waited at a Barnes and Noble for almost two hours for me to show up! I ended up not having time to get to that one but she was a WONDERFUL sport and I sent her clues and info on facebook so she could come join us. I’m so glad you came, Lea Ann!!! It was great getting to meet and hug you!

Theresa and her daughter, Emily.

I went to middle school with Theresa and had not seen her since then!

Emily is the sweetest thing, just loved getting to meet her.

That guy I’m talking to there is Jason Porter. He and I were editors of the Literary Magazine in high school together

(he was senior editor, I was junior)

I had a good time getting to chat with everyone while the kids got to watch doughnuts being made. We ended up staying about two hours and don’t you know Krispy Kreme was wondering what on earth was going on!

Thank you to everyone who came out and spent my special day with me. You made it one I will always remember.




  1. I absolutely love books and cooking, so naturally cookbooks are one of my favorite types of books to read. I read them like a novel – cover to back – even if it’s a recipe I would never make.

    I asked to receive your cookbook for Christmas, but I could not wait that long. And since I wanted to be able to have your recipes with me always, I ended up purchasing an electronic version of the cook – and was thrilled to have it withing seconds. The introduction alone brought tears to my eyes.

    The only downside to having my book this way is I can’t get it signed … but at least I have it with me in the store when I decide at the last minute I want to make one of your great recipes that my family & I enjoy so much.


  2. Christy,

    This looks like lots of fun. What a great idea!! You are so photogenic. I’ve never seen a bad picture of you!!!

    The first thing that I said to my husband when he picked me up from work, “Did my book come?” It did not!! According to the tracking on amazon, this was the expected delivery date 🙁 I am off Friday. So I just know that it will come tomorrow and I can sit and relax and go through it page by page!! I was disappointed today, but I am excited about tomorrow! Christy, is all of this delivery of your cookbooks making UPS run late?!!! Well…I know it is worth the wait. I also pre-ordered 2 at Malaprops for when you come for the signing in Asheville,NC. They are there but I want to pick them up and have them the night of the signing. I don’t know when I have had such an adventure getting something that I ordered, since I ordered hard to find Power Rangers for my sons for Christmas about 13 years ago!!

    I will let you know tomorrow how MUCH I love the book!!!


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